Chapter Nineteen: The Offer

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Chapter Nineteen: 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖔𝖋𝖋𝖊𝖗.
word count; 6.0k

Two weeks. Two kriffing weeks later, and that kiss was still flawlessly present on your mind.

His soft lips against yours, moving in perfect unison, the prickles of his stubble tickling against the skin of your chin, his large gloved hands gently cupping your face, pulling you nearer, his fingers tangling through your hair sending pleasant shivers down your spine, your heart palpitating so erratically you thought it could possibly pop right out of your chest.

When you drew away to catch your breaths, the way his lips hovered mere inches away from yours, chasing them, practically asking for more, caused your chest to flutter uncontrollably and unfamiliarly. Out of pure respect, you hadn't opened your eyes just yet.  And then he initiated another kiss, this time more heated, more confidence to it, more—

And then the Child interrupted it all.

You couldn't blame him, though. Poor kid had to watch the entire thing fold out right in front of his eyes.

After that, neither of you mentioned that shared, rather intimate moment. Not even once during the two weeks spent in the ship. You weren't sure whether you should be glad for that or not. Whether it was a good thing, or a bad thing. Whether you should muster up the courage to actually speak about it. The thought was glued to your mind as you indulged yourself in the refresher and enjoying a quick shower. Though once emerged from the 'fresher, those insistent thoughts were erased from your head completely when the sound of a vaguely familiar voice filled your ears, emanating from upstairs.

"If you would consider- ...very much make it worth your while..."

Nobody should be up there, other than Din and the Child. There was an audible static to the voice, which effectively indicated that unknown person was speaking through the comms.

"-but they will not stop- ...their prize."

Quickly, you opted to climb the ladder to further hear what sounded like some sort of offer.

"Whether or not- ...still accompanied by the Jedi..."

The voice gradually became clearer as you tentatively clambered up the steps.

"I would be grateful to have her presence as well. The more, the better."

As soon as you stepped into the cockpit, the first thing you noticed was the holographic figure of nobody other than... Greef Karga. Who was supposed to be dead. You swore Din had blasted him, or at least that's what you heard, because you were flying the ship during that distant time.

"So, here's my proposition—" the Guild's magistrate continued. Stress was visible through his expression and stance. Whatever he had recently endured certainly had e taken a toll on him. "—return to Nevarro."

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