Chapter 114

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A/n: Things get pretty dark here. I'm satisfied with the level of angst that i've achieved.

I don't know why i've done this.


•Suicide attempt
•Implied incest

If I missed any, do tell!

Raegan and Andrew had been imprisoned for about 24 hours. And in that short period of time, there were hundreds of news reports. A bunch about Rose's sudden disappearance, too.

They kept their mouths shut when questioned, and the only reason the cops knew they were the cause of Rose's kidnapping was because of the smirks they'd have during the entire questioning.


A day after the kidnapping, Rose woke up. She was lightheaded, and it was dark.

She wondered if she was dead. Was there really a place after death? She always thought that she'd just be a rotting corpse in the ground. No afterlife.

She moved, and that's how she knew she was alive. She was tied up, and remembered what had happened to her.

It was sweaty and hot, she was sore, and sticky. She felt what she could only assume to be blood everywhere. She couldn't breathe, and she wondered where she was. She felt weak and dehydrated, and could barely move.

She knew she was in a small, cramped space because even when she did try to move, she could barely move her sore, aching limbs at all.

She remembered that someone had broken into he house. She thought about it, and realized she was in the trunk of a small car. They must've put her inside after they knocked her out.

She wondered how long she'd been in there. It couldn't have beeb longer than a day or two because she wasn't that dehydrated yet.

Her clothes stuck uncomfortably to the sticky, crimson substance she was covered in. She tried to spit out her gag, only to find that she had a huge piece of tape covering her mouth. She shook her head quickly, however, the only thing she achieved through this was becoming light headed, which caused her to pass out again.

There was a long, sharp object poking in her back. She had laid down wrong when she went limp, and fell on one of the knifes Andrew had in a bag. It would sure hurt when she woke up.


"Is-is this what you wanted, Roman?!" Ran screamed, grabbing Kurt and pulling him closer to his chest, "we-we're done, I swear to god! You aren't roping us back in like you always do-i'm tired of thi-SICK AND TIRED OF THIS!! Look what you made him do!"

"This-this isn't what I wanted!" Roman yelled back, trying to defend himself. Ram glared. He knew he didn't actually care-he was just trying to cover his ass, as always.

"Then what did you want?" Ram asked quietly, near tears.

"I-I just wanted to get the damn job done, okay?! I wanted to be free from this, to move on! We've made so many mistakes, I just wanted to change!" Roman yelled.

"Oh, well good job with that! Look at Kurt-LOOK AT HIM! Shut the hell up with your excuses, 'I wanted to get the job done' that has nothing to do with the fact that Kurt just about committed suicide!!"

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