7. Embrace the wolf

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I should've known that today wasn't going to be a normal day.

Alexei's offer from last night still lingered in my mind. I had accepted. As soon as the man himself left, leaving only a hint of his scent in my room, I couldn't find sleep easily. I was sure my own body was rebelling. I lain stiff across my mattress, staring at the ceiling with doubt after doubt hovering close to my floating thoughts as I mulled over the man who wanted to help me.

Could I believe that he was offering help from the kindness of his heart?

He didn't say why he wanted to help. I couldn't detect the reason. He hid it well, so I could only think that maybe he had a reason but one he only wanted to keep to himself.

I imagined those burnt sienna eyes. There was a spark of determination in that single look when he had offered his aid.

What exactly could he be thinking? or planning?

I shook my head, dissipating all my inner questions like mist in a calm breeze.

I entered the Pack House, calling for Aella. When no response echoed back, I moved to the hallway, "Aella? Hello? Woman, are you there?"

I barely caught sight of Kian as he appeared from the corner, gripping my arm and hauling us off into the kitchen. I gasped when he rushed to the tall pantry, yanking the double doors wide open. He pushed me inside as he followed promptly, closing the pine doors behind him.

"What is it?" I asked Kian who suddenly froze.

His hand immediately covered my mouth as he shoved us deeper into the back of the pantry.

I pinched his nipple, but he effectively moved my wondering fingers, grasping it tight in his hand. "We're seriously going to get in trouble if someone finds us here. We're supposed to be patrolling right now." His hissed.

"This is your fault for dragging me here." I mouthed the words. Considering we were shrouded in the dark, I hoped he had perfect night vision.

When he flicked my nose, I knew he had seen it.

"Hush for a sec Pen."

Footsteps entered the kitchen. I held my breath.

Kian's grasp on my hand tightened as we perked our ears.

"Where's the bastard?" Tatum demanded.

I stared wide-eyed at Kian. Tatum? TATUM?!

There was no way we were getting out here without the man finding us.

"Trust me Tatum, you're not the only one who wants blood." Jude sighed, opening a drawer noisily. There was a sound of metal being moved around before he continued, "But we have to be careful. They know we've come into their Pack without permission. They're hesitating because they know they've done something to Allison-"

"Fuck that, I want that man and his sons dealt with. I've heard of the things they've done to my daughter!"

"I get it Tatum; I do but we have to play this carefully. Who knows what they've been doing for a whole year."

"I'm tired of waiting around on my ass-"

The pantry door was abruptly ripped opened.

Kian and I froze as Jude's narrowed gaze landed on us. "Out." He clipped.

I inwardly cursed Kian as we slowly exited like a pair of chastised children. Tatum scowled when he caught sight of us, "I scented you both the moment we walked in here. Try another place if you don't want to get caught."

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