Chapter 20

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"Please take seats, everyone." Doctor Kang politely offered to the six members, present in the cabin of Dr. Kang. All six members hesitantly walked inside the cabin as Namjoon and Jin took the two chairs where directly opposite of Dr. Kang's chair while the others took the couch just behind Namjoon and Jin's chairs. When they all settled down, Namjoon was the first to ask the Question about Jimin's current situation because he wasn't able to control himself from asking about the current condition of his precious Dongsaeng. His anxious mind wasn't letting him to stay quiet and calm.

"Doctor, now please tell us what exactly is happening with Jimin?" Namjoon asked Dr. Kang, impatiently.

"Before I Tell you everything, can I ask you something, Namjoon-shi?" Dr. Kang asked back Namjoon in a calm voice which confused the leader but ended up nodding his head in agreement.

"Can you tell me, when was the last time, Jimin-shi had a proper meal?" De. Kang asked while leaning back in his chair as he stared at everyone, one by one.

"I.. w-what?" Namjoon whispered as confusion was evident in his voice.

"I— he..

"I asked, when did Jimin-shi had a proper meal? Because by looking at his reports, I can assuredly tell you that, he was hardly having two or three meals in the past five to seven days. His body was only surviving on fluids and on some small snacks like protein bars, that's it. The meals on which he was surviving was not even considered as proper meals and this cost his body a huge loss. Due to less meals and imbalanced diet, his body is not even responding to our treatment, because it's almost impossible for his body to gain its strength back because there is nothing inside his body which can provide him any strength or energy. And I'm afraid to say that, Jimin-Shi's condition is quite dangerous at this moment." Dr. Kang said with a worried and sympathetic look on his face.

"He w-wasn't eating p-property... he wasn't. H-He lied. He lied t-to me. He wasn't e-eating." Hoseok whispered to himself with his head low, tears dripping down his lowered face.

"I-I didn't noticed. I didn't noticed his p-pain and s-sufferings. I failed m-my Dongsaeng. I failed to u-uphold my r-responsibilities as a l-leader. I failed." Namjoon whispered to himself too while clenching his fists with anger. He looked away while biting his lips hard as he tried to control and hide his emotions but failed miserably as a lone years escaped from his eye.

"W-what Danger?" Yoongi asked with so much fear that no one even heard Yoongi this scared.

"Even though, Jimin-Shi's body is not responding to our treatment, but we can induce his system to response by giving him liquid diet through IV by which his deficiencies will be restored but Yoongi-shi, it's not the dangerous condition which I'm talking about. The serious condition is that, Jimin-shi had seen something or had met with some incident which wasn't very pleasant. He saw something which his mind didn't expected or wasn't ready for, due to which his brain went into extreme shock causing it to just collapsed.
His lack of eating was a cause for his fainting too because his body wasn't having enough strength to deal with that situation. He was already quite weak from inside and on the top, his mind had to go through this situation, caused his whole body and nervous system to collapse. His eating habit was a cause too but not the main cause. The main cause of his collapse was that Shock. Due to which, his nervous system just shut down itself on its own. Jimin-Shi's mind is not responding to our treatment, it looks like that he himself don't want to response or wake up and it is Dangerous. This is Dangerous for his brain, because it can poorly affect his working of Nervous System or in the worst scenario, damage can also happen, due to which, he can also go into semi coma."

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