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"FLYING KEYS?" Lily asked, looking around the large room confusedly.

"There must be a reason why they're here-" Harry began looking around frantically, until he spotted it. A broom.
He searched his mind for the reason it was there - why on earth is there a broom in here? He thought, over and over again for - what was probably over a minute, until it came to him.

"It's too easy," he said quietly, although loud enough for the others to hear.
"What do you mean, Harry?" Hermione questioned, her brows furrowed.
"It's too easy," he repeated, looking around. "It just - if I get onto that broom - what if it's a trap?" He turned to the group, before Lily stepped forward, placing her hands on his shoulders, looking him in the eyes.

"Harry, if this is a trap, then you'll find a way out of it. You're the smartest person I know - and I know that whatever this is, you can do it. Not me, not Charlie, not Ron, not Hermione - you. Harry, you're the youngest seeker in a century! Not even dad won that title and he was bloody amazing at it! You could do this with your eyes shut, Harry. Okay? Just get up there, and grab that bloody key so we can get out of here." She spoke, in a soft, yet strict tone.

Harry smiled at her, before wrapping her in a tight hug, and she of course returned it. "I love you, Lily." He said, which made her smile grow even wider. "I love you too, Harry."

He pulled away from her, before turning to the others. The three were staring at them, smiles on their faces - Hermione looked close to crying.

Harry cleared his throat. "Ron, what kind of jet are we looking for?" He asked his friend, who then analysed the keyhole, before turning back to the group.
"I think it's a big one - like - and old-fashioned one?"

"Right," muttered Harry, before looking up at what must've been over two-hundred winged keys.
"It's that one. The big one - with the broken wing," Lily said - she had been looking up too.

Harry nodded, before taking a deep breath, and getting onto the broom.

But - as soon as his finger came into contact with the wood, the keys in the room came racing towards him, at a very high speed.
Harry gasped, before flying up to the top of the room, giving him a few seconds before the keys to cast up with him so he could grab the large jet that would open the door.

He raced around the room for what felt like hours - some of the keys had even jabbed at his skin - until he finally caught it.

"I've got it!" He shouted, as he soared through the air, throwing the key to Ron, who caught it easily, before opening the door, and flinging it open.
The group all ran in at once, standing in the corner, making room for Harry to fly in, any moment now.

"Hurry up!" Hermione muttered - and soon enough, Harry flew into the room, before falling off the broom, landing right on his backside.

"Ouch!" He hissed, before Lily broke into a fit of laughter, Ron soon joining in, while Charlie covered her mouth, and Hermione stood unimpressed with the lot.

"Oh, get up, Harry." She helped him up, before lightly slapping Lily, Charlie and Ron on the backs of their heads, but they still continued to laugh.

But - their laughter stopped, when they reached the next room.
It was quite literally - a life-sized chess board, figures and all.

"This is lovely," both Lily and Harry said in unison, sarcasm laced in their tone.
"Flying keys - and now this?" Hermione questioned, looking around confusedly.
"This - this is impossible-"

"Oh, Hermione," Lily said, before putting in the voice of what sounded slightly like Dumbledore. She leaned slightly forward, squiring her eyes, and raising her brows.
"My dear Hermione," she said, trying to keep a smile from finding its way onto her face. "Anything, is possible."

"Oh, shut up," said Hermione, before walking forward, as both Lily and Charlie started laughing once more.

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