Chapter 94: Love and the lies

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Hey bitches,

This chapter took all the fucking knowledge I had lmfao.

Also yall will get your smut soon.
Touch some grass damn, her dad just died lmfao.


"Ok so I hacked into the Italian embassy and inflicted a virus on their documents." Adriano enlightens me.

"Is that it." I raise my eyebrows at him.

"Well I did the same to 58 other countries, I'm having a slow day damn." He grunts.

With further research, we had soon realised that certain countries had insight into a lot of personal and dangerous data within our Mafia, they happened to be closing in on a lot of things that could ruin us.

Luckily and very much surprisingly, my brother is a computer genius and sorted the issue with ease.

I know, it shocked me too. Adriano, smart?
Those words don't belong in the same universe let alone sentence.

My bed was full with laptops, papers, documents and a whole lot more to get rid of this problem. It was a high risk, we had to sort it out before we could finish our Sherlock Holmes mission.

Suddenly, a knock at the door drew me and Adriano out of our workaholic state.
It was Dominico, I had to come up with a scenario on the spot and I've become rather great at those.

"ADRIANO IS CRYING." I yell trying to stop him from further question.

"I'm not cry-." I step on his foot in order to shut him up.
"Fucking bitch, YES IM CRYING..." He makes the worst sobs I have ever heard in my entire life.

"What the fuck is wrong with him?" He cluelessly asks from the other side of the door.

Quickly trying to cover myself, "He um...he saw a duck drinking water online."

What the fuck Sienna?

It wasn't completely unbelievable, I once cried on my period because a cat was staring at me and I thought it was judging me.

"Please come inside, I can't take him anymore." I groan praying my reverse psychology works.

I turn to Adriano who now has physical tears rolling down his face. "What?" I whisper.

"I just thought of a duck drinking water." He helplessly cries.

"I can't do this today Sienna." Dominico tells me before leaving me with my idiot brother.

I can't tell whether I was thankful or furious.

Relief evokes me as I revert my attention back to my laptop as I notice an email pop up on my screen. Opening it, I notice that my family's lawyer had sent me a copy of my fathers will.

Most of it seemed normal though I did notice a large portion or his belongings and investments went to an 'Enzo Vance', Dominico's father.

I guess it did make sense, they coexisted together yet from what I viewed on the last few years of his life, they didn't seem to be the closest of friends.

Though I'm probably overthinking it, after all I knew my father for a matter of years.

"I need a break, I'm gonna go and find Aiden." Adriano gets up leaving me to work.

I can only hope Aiden is well hidden.

I had created a list that would guide me to finding his killer. Slowly but surely I was completing it which allowed me to narrow down the amount of people who could have been involved.

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