Chapter 19

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Hayley's POV

I woke up this morning not wanting to ger out of bed. Theo was next to me just looking at me. "Morning." "Morning said Theo" "we have to get up amd get ready for the task." "I have to go before my mom notice I ain't their." Said Theo" "do you have to go" "yes and I'm sorry I wish I can stay here forever with you. Said Theo" "me too but you have to go I don't want you to get in trouble." "I love you bye now. Said Theo" "I'll miss you more I love you bye." He walked away and I got dressed. I went down to the great hall. "Hey Rose." "Hey Hayley where's Theo. Said Rose" "he had to leave before his mom knew he was gone." "Oh ok. Said Rose." We ate breakfast then made our way to the boats. "Hayley I have the gillyweed for you. Said Neville" "thank you so much." Neville gave me the gillyweed and we walked to the stands. "Hello everyone let's get ready. Said Ministry" I swallowed the gillyweed. "Lets get started components are you ready on your mark ger set go. Said Dumble" We all jumped in and I started to breath under water I had gils on me. I was worried because Harry wasn't their. I heard singing so I followed the voice. I came into an area where their was mermaids everywhere. Then I saw kids tied up and Harry. I swam quickly to untie Harry. The others came to get them beside Fleur so I waited for to come buy she never came. So I quickly grabbed Gabby and Harry and started to swim away. We were near the stands then something was pulling me down so I pushed up Harry and Gabby to the surface. I was getting pulled down.

James POV

Harry and another kid came up but not Hayley. We quickly grabbed them and brought them up. "Harry where's Hayley." "I don't know she pushed us up. Said Harry" We waited a couple minutes for her to come up but she didn't. "I'm going in." I jumped in and started to look for her. Then I saw something down at the bottom so I swam to it and saw Hayley. I quickly grabbed her and swam up. She was unconscious. "Omg what happened to her. Said Lily" "I don't know I found her unconscious." "We need to get her to the hospital wing quickly. Said Dumble" I grabbed Hayley and started to run to the hospital wing. "Poppy help me." "Oh dear God lay her down on the bed. Said Poppy" I quickly laid her down and got pushed out of the way. Everyone came running in. "Is she ok. Said Jackson" "I don't know Poppy is working on her right now." "How did this happen. Said Rose." "I don't know I saw her waiting for fleur to get Gabby but she didn't come so she must've grabbed her and the tiny monsters must've grabbed her down. Said Cedric" Poppy came out. "How is she." "She's alright she's asleep right now I want her to rest. Said Poppy" "can we see her." Poppy nodded and we walked to her bed. I sat next to Hayley I grabbed her hand and held it. "Please be ok. Said Jackson" "she'll be ok she's just asleep." "Shut up im trying to sleep here. Said Hayley" "and she's back. Said Rose" "yes but I'm tired. Said Hayley" "alright we'll see you tomorrow ok we'll let you rest. Said Jackson" "wait what did I place. Said Hayley" "you just drowned and you want to know what you placed. Said Jackson" "yeah. Said Hayley" "your crazy and you got second place for saving someone else. Said Cedric" "yes second place. Said Hayley" "go to sleep you weirdo. Said Rose" "but I'm your weirdo. Said Hayley" "yes you are now sleep. Said Rose." They all left but me I stayed with Hayley. "Yknow you don't have to stay. Said Hayley" "but I want to and beside you just drowned im not leaving you alone." "Fine you can stay but can you lay with me. Said Hayley" "yeah I can." She scooted over and I gor in the bed with her. She laid her head on my chest and I just played with her hair till she fell asleep. Once I saw she was asleep I gave her a kiss on the head and fell asleep.
The next day...
I heard voices so I looked and saw Lily and Marlene. Lily was taking a picture. "Really again." "Yup again. Said Lily" "how is she. Said Marlene" "she's fine." "Yeah she also looks comfortable. Said Marlene" "yeah she is she asked me to lay with her when you guys left." "Aww that's cute. Said Lily" "yeah it is. Said Marlene" Hayley started to wake up. "Can I go to class because I will lose my mind if I have to stay in my dorm or in here. Said Hayley" "yeah but you have to be careful." "How do you feel. Said Marlene" "Well it felt like I was drowning. Said Hayley" "that's because you did drown." "Oh well. Said Hayley" "you drowned and you say oh well. Said Jackson" "yeah I guess but lets head to class because if I stay in here any longer I will lose my mind. Said Hayley" "let's go. Said Jackson" Hayley left to her dorm and I went to class.

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