Chapter 68

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Third person pov

There were no words to describe the emotions class 1-A felt went they saw Stain flip onto the screen out of one of Kurogiri's portals, coming to Harper's aid with a terrifying ferocity that made Tenya Iida shiver and bile rise up in the back of his throat. The helicopter overhead kept their camera as level as possible, zooming in on the frankly insane scene. Stain was just as terrifying as they'd all known him to be, swords coming down fast and hard towards the villain who just barely knocked him away in time. He didn't let it deter him, landing like a nimble cat before charging again with just as much speed as before. The tense form of their cornered classmate held their breath captive as they waited to see if she'd make it out okay.

Scattered throughout the hospital, they all found ways to watch the scene unfold. Stain's appearance had been shocking, yes. They knew Harper did a lot of police work and dealt vaguely with criminals, but to think they'd break Stain out of prison just so he could come help her was ludicrous. It was nearly enough to make a few laugh in disbelief, the absurd notion striking them hard as they watched with weighted anticipation. It was impossible to see Harper's face from so far, but it was undoubtedly her. She was shaking, looking bedraggled even from a distance. 

A few of them glanced to Tenya, trying to gauge his reaction to seeing the serial killer again. He looked pale and disbelieving, watching with rapt attention. He didn't seem overly distressed or angry, too struck down with horror to think too hard about his brother's almost-murderer swooping in to save one of his classmates. A classmate he surely would've killed in that alleyway had Kurogiri not trapped him in time. She must have talked to him. Made progress somehow. He didn't know how to feel about that. Clearly, the hero killer felt he owed some amount of debt to Harper if he was willing to help her like this.

But then another portal opened, and nothing could've prepared them for who came out.

A figure they hadn't seen in what felt forever swung out with reckless abandon, hair longer than before and pulled back, and feet poised to kick. Hanta Sero-- said to have left UA due to heart issues and other underlying health concerns-- whipped out of one of the portals with speed he'd never displayed during his time at UA. Kaminari and Mina let out twin shrieks, the latter of which wiping at her cheeks that were wet from crying to try and clear her vision better. The waiting room had been respectfully quiet and full of tension before, but now they couldn't help but erupt with words of absolute incredulity. A few people stood up, looking between their classmates to see if anyone had answers. One of the officers in the corner that was assigned there to keep an eye on them sent a questioning glance their way. His own phone was out as well, no doubt watching the very same broadcast they were.

Sero did not look ill, or like he was having heart issues. Blue fire sprouted up around the field, fencing the villains in somewhat as Sero and Stain twisted around each other towards the main enemy like a pair of twin torpedos. There were outcries of shock, because that was undeniably their classmate! Where had he been? He looked... he looked fine, from what they could tell. It was hard to see his face, but the way he moved with deadly amounts of grace told them he had to have been training. Why hadn't he come back to UA? Where had he been-- Harper obviously had been in contact with him somehow if he was coming to her aid. He was different. Not bedridden or hospitalized like some had theorized. What had kept him away? Why hadn't he contacted any of them?

"Look at him!" Kaminari crowed. That was one of his best friends! One had hadn't talked to in forever, sure, but still his best friend. He all but snatched Iida's phone, bringing the screen closer to his face as though it would make the image any clearer. The class-president sputtered a bit, sending a look of thanks to Ojiro when the boy offered up his own mobile device so he could continue to watch. "When did he get so good at fighting?"

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