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It was like 230 on the morning and my phone rings i look at the caller id i answer as quickly as i can.

"Skylar?" I say

"Hey im sorry to call so late but...but i need a place to stay"she said in sobbs.

"What happened witb jake?" I question

"He came home drunk and came home with that slut regean" i get mad when i hear that "please can i stay im right outside" she says i jump out of bed and run to the door i open as fast as i could. She steps into my arms and crys for a long time till i break the silence.

"Shhhh its okay calm down lets get you in bed" i say leading her to the spair room i wanted her to sleep in my bed but she wouldnt want to i started pulling the covers down and she crawled in. I was almost to the door when i hear her voice barly above a whisper.



"Will you lay with me untill im alseep?" She asks unsure of my response

" ofcourse" i say getting under the covers with her. She snuggled up to my chest and i put my arms around her and she cried but after a while she fell asleep.

Why was she here? I love her still but i dont get why i was the first person she would call her sister would have done the same....mayne she still loves its been two years her feelings are all gone. I miss her so much though i miss her touch and her voice the soft skin...her lips against mine....i just missed all of her. I layed there next to her in my arms thinking of these things when she started to get unsettled.

She woke up screaming. I wasnt sure what just happened.

"Skylar whats wrong?" I asked rubbing her back

"Just a bad dream about my step dad" she said laying back down in my arms

"I wont let him hurt you ever again....i promise he will never hurt you" i say as i kiss the top of her head. She drifts back off into sleep. I was about to fall asleep so i looked at her and whispered.

"I love you skylar" and fell in to a deep sleep

*time laps morning*

I finally woke up and skylar was no where in sight....ugh ofcourse she went back to him. I got out of the bed and opened the door and walked to the kitchen to find skylar in my tee shirt it went barly past her butt with wet hair and making breakfast. I quietly went over to her and slid my arms around her waist she jumped.

"Sorry i didnt mean to scare you...i thought you left" i said nuzzling her neck. She turned around in my arms and put her arms around my neck.

"Now why would i do that...first of all i dont have a place to stay and i wanted to thank you for last night i didnt mean to do anything like that it just kinda happened....with the whole jake thing" she said sadly and taking her arms off my neck she turned back around and started cooking again i let go of her waist and sat at the island. She put a plate infront of me and slid two pancakes on it with a few peices of bacon and some eggs it looked so good i dug in as soon as i had it.

"Oh my god skylar these pancakes are amazing oh my god how so you makes these." I said finishing my plate.

"The trick is not to over stir the batter....and let the eggs fluff them selfs hah thank you im glad u like it" she said coming to sit accross from me and started eatting. I just watched her....shes beautiful...but i noticed somthing was off she had one little egg a half a peice of bacon and the smallest pancake ive seen...and she was way to skinney somthing was wrong.

"Skylar....why arnt you eatting?" I asked

"What do you mean i am"

"No your not your nibbling and your dropping weight fast....why are you doing this......let me see your arms" i said demanding.

"Why and im just not hungery." She answered shyly..i knew her somthing was wrong

"GIVE..ME...YOUR...WRISTS...." I demanded..she shook her head no so i grabbed her arm and pulled the sleeves up.....i looked at her arm in shock so many new cuts....

"Im sorrh i wasnt strong enough not to i couldnt stop i tried but things got bad with jake between the regean thing i was upset" she said with tears in her eyes.

"Skylar this isnt what you should have done you should have talked to me i would have listened....promise me this is the last time...and your going to start eatting" i say taking her wrists to my lios and gently kissing them

"I promise" she says looking me in the eye.

I couldnt have know what was going to happen next because next thing i know my lips crashed against hers softly and she kissed back....god i missed the feel of her lips against mine.....i ran my tounge over her bottom lip she opened her mouth for me i lifted her ip on the counter but the door slammed open and we jumped apart....who is this man....i looked at skylar she seemed to know him. She gasped

"No you camt be out yet you cant"

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