9 - Relax

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It was a pretty nice day today; Ink and Dream were nowhere in sight, and we were in our third and final universe of the day. There was a small chill to the air, which I enjoyed, and it had a pleasant feel to it; it didn't feel as comforting as dust, but it was comforting, nonetheless. The innabitants were scared of us, but that didn't bother me. Should that have been worrying? I had seen my versions of them die at my hands; I wasn't even killing these. I was probably just overreacting. Nightmare gave the signal that we were done here, and I sat down on my tree branch. I liked being in the trees; it made me feel tall. Maybe I just wanted to be taller than Papyrus, but his ghost still loomed over me, so that wasn't happening anytime soon; I liked being short, anyway.

"Good job, brother!" Papyrus cheered.

"Thanks, Paps. You're the best." I said.

"Today was a good day. Let's head home." Nightmare ordered; I could hear him from the tree.

"Not so fast, Nightmare!" A voice yelled from behind. I was wondering where they were.

"Well, it was a good day." Killer joked.

"Don't do that." Nightmare deadpanned.

"You're not getting away this time!" Ink stated. "We have more power, and we will defeat you!"

A stout skeleton that looked like me, but Papyrus themed stepped into view, with a confident smile on his face - how many different versions of me were there? 

"Surrender, Nightmare!" The short skeleton demanded.

"That's not possible, Blueberry." Nightmare replied. At this point, Killer and I fully understood the reason for our actions, and felt more determined to help Nightmare keep his balance in check, even if his brother had to be oblivious to it.

"Brother, we can help you be a better skeleton! It doesn't have to be like this! Please?" Dream pleaded. He seemed more of a pacifist, but he felt he was fighting for a worthy cause, I guess.

"Enough talk. Are you going to fight or not?"

Killer and I readied our weapons, but we weren't going to trigger a battle if we didn't have to. There were a few moments of silence before Nightmare opened a portal, and he and Killer walked through; I opened my own. If the others weren't fighting, we weren't either. If we could leave peacefully, we did so without hesitation, but fighting was in our nature; we couldn't abandon that forever. That was part of the reason we had a training room. It felt good to get rid of that excess energy sometimes, especially when I was confused by my old notes I had been reading; I had written them when I wasn't exactly in my right mind, and deciphering what they said was easier said than done. I was currently attempting to translate the phrase 'It won't ever come back.' I didn't remember the context, and it was written on a single sheet of paper - what a waste. I must have thought it was important to dedicate an entire sheet of paper to it, right?

When we arrived back home, we had some free time, which I was going to spend trying to translate that phrase based on other research, but the others had different plans for me. They said I was stressing myself out too much, and I should relax. I was the most relaxed I'd been in years; of course, they didn't know that. They set me on a couch in the living room, and I just stared at them confusedly.

"You're going to relax." Nightmare said.

"Yep! Ya need this!" Killer agreed. I couldn't exactly turn them both down. One, maybe, but not both; I simply gave a sigh of compliance. "What's the most relaxin' thing you can think of?"

"Nothing." I responded. I could think of a few things, but they might not have been considered the best.

"Come on! There's got to be somethin' that relaxes ya!"

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