15 - Captive

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It had finally happened. Five months into the game, and I was seen by the other side. 

It started out rather well; I was doing what I normally did: slinging rocks from a tree branch. Horror was there for his weekly appearance, swinging his axe at just about whoever got close enough - Killer and Nightmare never got close enough - and blasting anybody he couldn't reach (other than us, of course). Papyrus always kept watch when I was attacking, since I certainly didn't have eyes in the back of my head. He's the best at keeping watch, plus he had gotten so good with his powers that he could repel anybody who got close and even repel attacks sometimes! Having the best ghost ever for a brother is the best, and I didn't shirk from reminding him of that. I could feel that Ink had an intense hatred towards me, especially with those glares he always sent me; I thoroughly believed that if he and I were locked in a room, he would either mercilessly kill me, or I would be forced to seriously injure him to protect myself. I didn't think I was capable of seriously injuring the Protector of Alternate Universes, though; I could only crush his fingers with large onslaughts of rocks.

I had gotten rather skilled at hitting moving targets in the past five months, even though I was pretty good at it before, anyway. Today was different, though - not in my performance, but rather, the other side's. It didn't feel like they were essentially ignoring me like they usually tried to; I should have taken more notice of that. Ink's glares seemed harsher than ever before today, and while the swapped Papyrus and Sans were obviously busy fighting Killer and Horror, and Dream was in a deadlocked battle with Nightmare, there was an odd feeling that they were all taking note of me; it was slightly unnerving, but I didn't let it bother me enough to hinder my fighting abilities. The strike was swift, and while not unexpected, I couldn't avoid it in time. The resident Sans of this universe teleported behind me, grabbed me, and threw me out of the tree; I didn't know what happened next, but when I woke up, I was not in a familiar place, and I had a horrible headache.

I was lying on a stone floor in a small room; I believed it was a prison. Other than the headache, I didn't have any injuries that I knew of, and I wasn't even feeling that tired. I rose to my feet and instinctively reached for my camera; it wasn't there. In fact, none of my weapons or toys were on me. I belived I had a game piece from that board game earlier missing; I pitied the one who had to search me for everything and anything. My pockets were empty, and it was dark; not as dark as the entirety of Nightmare's house, but still dark, nonetheless. 

"Brother!" Papyrus was here. "You're awake!"

"Paps?" I answered.

"Talk silently, brother."

"Okay." I switched to Papsign. "Where are we?"

"I believe it is prison, brother."

"That's pretty obvious. You're the best, Paps."

"I am the Great Papyrus!"

"How did we get here?"

"You fell out of the tree and hit your head on a large root."

"That explains the headache."

"Without your support, the others were forced to flee. You were captured and taken here."

"You're the best, Paps. Do you know where my camera is?"

"I believe it came loose when you fell out of that tree; it is still in that universe."

"Well, that's a lead for the others, then."

"I'm sure they'll come for you soon, brother!"

"I hope so. I have a feeling a lot of the people here either hate or borderline hate me."

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