Chapter Two

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The light ran fell on the hood of Quinn's pick-up truck. The same one where him and Victoria shared their first kiss. The sky lighting up with lightning, making Quinn jump with the loud bang of the thunder.

Quinn never liked thunder. He's been afraid of it since he was a little boy. One of his first memories is of him and his dad, outside on the back porch, watching a thunderstorm. His dad holding him and saying, 

"It's okay Quinn. It's just the angels bowling."

"That's one hell of a bowling game, mom." Quinn said as he made a right turn into his neighborhood.

He still hadn't told his dad yet about what had happened with Victoria. He knew his dad knew something was wrong, though. He kind of gave himself away earlier when he ran upstairs crying, grabbed some extra money for the theater, than ran out the door.

As Quinn pulled into the driveway he began to come back to reality for the first time in hours. He wondered how he would tell his dad all this when all his dad wanted to do was cheer him up and tell him whatever this "good news" was.

Quinn walked into his house and into the living room where he saw his dad, a gray haired, tall, and buff, 46 year old man typing away at his computer.

"Hey, dad," Quinn said.

"Quinn! I missed you. I don't usually share the house alone, buddy. Look, I know something's wrong, but, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to-" Quinn cut his dad off.

"Yes, dad. I know. I don't have to tell you, but you love and care about me and just want me to be happy. I don't really want to kill your mood by telling you the awful news I could tell you, so please, tell me your good news." 

Quinn's father let a tiny smile show from across his face.

"Okay, son." he began to speak, "Look. Truth is, I don't know if you'll see this as good news or not. I just wanted to take your mind off of what you have going on. I know at first you may see this as bad, but I really think in the ling run you'll love this."

"Dad what is it? You're making me anxious, just tell me!" Quinn laughed.

"Okay. I got a promotion." Quinn's dad said happily.

"Dad! What? That's fucking awesome." Quinn yelled.

"Hey! Language!"

"Oh, right, sorry dad, I'm just really happy for you. Why would you even think I'd be upset about that?" Quinn asked confused.

"Well, Quinn," his dad let out a deep breath, taking the pencil on the counter and biting it, "we're going to have to move. Not just out of this house, but to another state."

Quinn felt his heart sink. He didn't even think that was possible, due to how far it had already sank that day. His world stopped. Everything around him disappeared. At this moment it was only Quinn and his own self conscience. He wanted to be so happy for his dad, but this made him wish his dad never got promoted. 

Quinn didn't want to leave. Troy, Michigan was his home. It's where he's been all his life. And his friends. What would he tell his best friend, Rich, who he's grown up with since he was in kindergarten, now in the 11th grade together. What was he going to say to his band that he played guitar for. Those guys have been together since middle school.

What about his mom? Quinn tried hard fighting back tears. He felt his skin turn cold as ice. He felt like he was going to vomit. In that moment, Quinn began to cry. His dad looking back at him as his big smile soon turned to a look of sadness and worry.

"Quinn, buddy, talk to me. What's wrong?" his dad asked.

" it isn't right. Not right, not right, no, dad, why?" He felt more and more tears come streaming down his face. His body shaking. 

He fell to the ground. His hands covering his face. He could feel snot from his nose beginning to cover his hands.

"Dad. I thought you loved her. If you love her why are we moving so far away from her. Who's going to take care of her fucking grave after we're gone? No one. That's who. Soon it will turn into a block of dirt. Shrubs will grow, covering her headstone, the flowers will all die and disappear, just like she did. After we're gone there will be nothing to keep her memory alive, dad. Nothing! Don't act like I don't know what this is. Moving away isn't going to solve our problems. I see her everywhere I go, too. I have a memory with her from every little place in this town. You don't think that haunts me? I can't even begin to think of the countless memories you had with her. Fucking high school sweethearts."

At this point Quinn stood back on his feet and wiped his hands on his pants, trying to clean them up. Not cold, but now hot. Quinn is now flaming hot with rage. 

His dad tries to talk but only little noises can come out of his mouth. He can't say anything. He feels almost as if he failed as a father. 

"I hate you! I fucking hate you! Running away and starting over in a fresh new town miles and miles away is not going to cover up your memories of her! I wish you didn't get that promotion. I wish you were fucking fired! I hate you!" Quinn screamed at his dad. Spit shooting out of his mouth. His face bright red and tears running down his face.

Quinn ran upstairs, slamming the door to his bedroom. His dad sat in his chair. He was at a loss for words. He really did not expect his son to take it like that.

"I wonder what happened," his father thought.

He went to the cupboard and grabbed a wine glass and filled it up with the red wine sitting on the table. He poured himself a cup and went out onto the back porch. The thunderstorm had died down. 

As he looked up to the stormy night sky he heard thunder in the distance.

"Nice strike, Marie." he said as he took a sip of wine. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2021 ⏰

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