I Miss Him! (💛)

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Summary: Newt listens in on Brenda and Thomas talking, which is really just Thomas rambling about him.

Where: Safe Haven

Words: 885


Newt sat against a tree, reading a book while occasionally pausing to look at the ocean. It's been two days since they managed to get here, and everyone's still getting used to things while grieving and mourning losses at the same time.

Even though he'd never admit it, Newt wouldn't say he didn't feel bad for Teresa's death. She had good intentions, in the end, to find a cure, but then again she also didn't care what needed to be sacrificed in order to get the said cure. Despite it sounding selfish, Newt rather die himself than have his Tommy die in order to save people due to his blood being part of the cure while Teresa didn't care if she loved Thomas or not, only that his blood was needed.

Sighing, Newt shut his book and stood up, wandering over to where he could see Minho and a few boys that have been with them since the Glade. He guessed they were talking about what's happened in the three years they were being watched in the Maze compared to what has happened in just weeks.

"Alright, Newt?" Frypan offered a signature smile. Newt smiled back the best he could, something in the back of his mind bugging him even though he couldn't really tell what it was.

"Alright," Newt responded simply. Truthfully he just wanted a cuddle from his boyfriend. "Where's Tommy?"

Minho smirked a bit at that. "Missing your boyfriend?"

Newt smiled sheepishly. "Yeah."

"He's with Brenda, over there." Minho pointed to the cliff above them where Thomas and Brenda were sitting on the ledge.

Newt thanked the boy and climbed up to them, feeling a bit insecure. He knew Brenda would never try and take Thomas from him like that but he also knew that she was pretty and well- he didn't really know why Thomas chose him.

Shoving those unwelcomed thoughts aside, Newt crept up behind the pair, deciding a little bit of eavesdropping wouldn't be that bad.

"I miss him though," Thomas pouted, crossing his arms over his chest like a child.

"Thomas you've been away from him for an hour, tops." Brenda shook her head fondly. "Honestly, you two are so cute together but also adorably sickening that you can barely go an hour without spending time together."

"Yeah but he's my baby, I'm allowed to want to spend time with him."

Newt blushed furiously at the pet name, deciding now that he wanted cuddles. "Hi, Tommy, Brenda."

Brenda gasped, cheering playfully. "Oh, Newt! My savior, I can't get him to shut up about how much he misses this boyfriend of his when they haven't even been apart for more than an hour!"

Thomas flipped her off and tugged Newt into his lap by his hand, while Brenda left with a wink. Newt hid his red cheeks in the crook of Thomas' neck.

"I missed you," Thomas mumbled into his ear.

"I heard," laughed Newt, kissing Thomas' neck lightly before pulling away to look at him. Thomas hummed with a smirk, his fingers slowly starting to wiggle against Newt's smaller body.

"Don't you dare, Tommy," said Newt with a warning glare. "Or I will push you off this cliff."

"Nope, you love me too much." Thomas gave him a couple tickles just to hear him giggle but didn't want to do too much, not actually wanting to fall off the cliff.

"Luckily," Newt teased. He settled himself in Thomas' lap, wrapping his legs around his waist and arms around his neck. Thomas kissed his head and wrapped his arms around his boy's waist.

They sat in silence for a moment, enjoying each other's company without having to worry about a thing.

Eventually a couple shouts to come down for dinner reached them, so Newt pulled away from Thomas' neck and pecked his lips before standing up. Thomas stood up as well and took Newt's small hand in his larger one.

The two went back down to the ground, joining everyone else in the makeshift cafeteria.

"There's Newtmas!" Harriet said, spotting them first. "About time!"

Newt smiled, sitting across from his sister Sonya (though he called her Liz) and next to Minho. Thomas sat across from Harriet, who was next to Sonya, and next to Frypan.

"Do you think anyone is still alive?" Sonya asked, lifting her fork.

"I don't know, it was quite a mess when we left. I think the only people left are the Cranks," said Newt. Thomas wrapped an arm around his waist, thumbing at his side. He knew what Newt was thinking. If they hadn't gotten the cure to him when they did he would have been among the dead or still alive Cranks back there.

Thomas was suddenly aware of the necklace around his neck, with the note Newt had forced into his hand if he had died.

"Stop thinking so loud," Minho grinned over at Thomas.

Thomas snapped out of his thoughts, smiling a little sheepishly. "Sorry, just thinking about how things might of happened."

Thomas couldn't nor did he want to imagine a world where he couldn't hold his boy in his arms.

Good thing he didn't have to.


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