Chapter 146

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(You should read my new private school, rich kids drama story "Opulent Love" on Wattpad)

Very very filler chapter.

Chasity's POV-

I have to sneeze.

Hold up, yea not anymore.

I'm still kidnapped, and it sucks.

"Can y'all shoot me or something?" I asked.

"Sure." and POW!

I'm dead.


Just kidding.

"Hey, where are we going?" I asked them.

They didn't talk.

"Okay, well can we get some food. I'm really hungry." I said and they smacked me.

I passed out.

When I woke up I realized that I was on the side of a road, even my kidnappers didn't want me.

Fuck a heartbreak, imagine your kidnapper regretting kidnapping you. I can't like anymore.

I walked around until I found a diner thing. I should probably call my brothers.

"Can I use the phone?" I asked the person.

They nodded and handed it to me.

What's Leo's number? I don't know.


I learned it in Calculus class because I hate that fucking class so fucking much. Can that bitch choke and die already for fuck's sake?

Uhh. Wait I remember so the area code is 310 and then 4 because Leo will be single FOURever. 1 because he's only been on ONE date in like a year. 8 because he ugly. 7 because there is SEVEN of us. 2 because Stefan and I are TWO people. 9 because the queen of England is NINEty-four. And lastly, 3 because never in THREE million years will someone find him interesting. Ok perfect.

I dialed 310-418-7293.

It was ringing until someone finally picked up.

"LEO!" I yelled with my inside voice.

"Chasity?" IT WAS STEFAN!

"Hey eleven. I got kidnapped." I told him.

"Who kidnapped you?" He asked me and I smiled.


"Who's Rydon?" He asked.

"Rydon this dick," I said laughing and people were staring at me.

"No, you. Anyways where are you love?" He asked.

"Some diner. I need to go just track the phone." I said and hung up.

"Quella ragazza è così rumorosa e fastidiosa." The man mumbled to the lady in Italian.

(That girl is so loud and annoying)

Wait I know Italian.

And how rude.

"Guardalo. E se la ragazza sapesse l'italiano." The lady said.

(Watch it. What if the girl knows Italian.)

Ratface I understand everything you're saying.

"Guardala, sembra una turista."

(Look at her, she looks like a tourist.)


This can be very fun.

"Can I get a water please?" I asked.

"Oh, guarda anche lei è povera." He mumbled.

(Oh look she is poor too.)

At this point, he wants to catch these hands. I can buy you bitch.

"Of course." He said disgustingly.

He came back with the water.

"Thank you," I said and he just nodded.

I looked around and grabbed a random stranger who was my age's arm.

"Ciao amico mio, non ti vedo da così tanto tempo. Come stai?" I asked talking in Italian.

(Hi my friend, I haven't seen you in so long. How are you?)

The man and woman became pale realizing that I understood everything that they said.

"Ti conosco?" He replied and I shooed him away.

(Do I know you?)

I saw my brother's car outside so I jumped down from the seat.

"Ciao cagna, grazie per il pessimo servizio," I said and left.

(Bye bitch, thanks for the awful service.)

Love knowing more than one language.

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