hurt hearts and faces

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December 1st, 1976


After bidding Regulus goodbye, Adelaide skipped towards the Gryffindor common room to see her favorite troublemakers. About 20 minutes prior she had thought of a great prank idea that she wanted to run by the boys. After rounding the corner she spotted a group of Ravenclaws talking excitedly. 

She immediately wished she took the long way when she heard the girl's choice of topic. 

"Sirius Black? You're kidding!"

"Nope! He walked right up to Bones and kissed her!"

"Don't forget the part about him asking her to be his date to the ball! She's so lucky."

"Do you think he's liked Amelia this whole time? He hasn't been with anyone yet this year so I guess it's possible."

"I have no idea, I always thought he liked the Tanelter girl." 

"Me too but I guess not."

The girls all stopped talking and looked at the blonde with guilty eyes upon realizing she was walking past them. 

Adelaide didn't even notice. Her brain was in a frenzy. 

Sirius Black was taking someone else to the Yule Ball.

Sirius Black kissed a girl that wasn't me. 

The same Sirius Black that said he fancied me.

That said he adored me.

That said he only wanted me.

That looked me in the eyes and said I completed him. 

Sirius Black lied to my face.

The worst part was that Adelaide had believed him. She ignored the voices in her head that told her there was no way what he was saying could be real. She had gone against her better judgment and listened to her heart, listened to him. Adelaide Tanelter had been made a fool and it hurt

The witch hadn't even realized she had made it back to the common room, she didn't even remember saying the password but she must have as she met the eyes of six sets of pained eyes. 

Remus and Peter had returned a few minutes prior and filled the girls in on the situation. Marlene had wanted to find the Black and give him a piece of her mind and it had taken Lily, Dorcas, and Peter to hold her down. Mary was ready to follow McKinnon into battle, as both moral support and to tag-team Sirius, all of which Remus supported. 

Upon seeing the glossed-over eyes of his best friend, Remus stood up from his spot on the sofa and opened his arms for her. 

Adelaide rushed into the werewolf's arms and the two just held the other close. Adelaide choked back her sobs, refusing to let anyone see how much this affected her but a small sniffle was released.

Upon hearing the noise, Marlene's once saddened eyes turned dark once again, "I'm going to fucking kill him." 

Dorcas grabbed the girl's arm and shook her head, "Right now you need to be here."

Marlene sighed but knew she was right, Dorcas always seemed to be right. 

Remus half-walked, half-carried the girl towards the others, and Lily immediately pulled the blonde into a tight embrace. The other three girls wrapped their arms around them, no one said anything, they just held one another. 

Adelaide made eye contact with Peter and moved away from the girls. He silently made his way over to her and pulled her into his chest." Crying doesn't make you weak, just let it out," he whispered into her hair. With that, her walls fell and sobs racked through her body. 

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