Karma's a B*tch

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"We've been here before." Hen said when they got out of the truck. They were on a call, responding to a male injured from a single gunshot wound. The second they all stepped out of the truck though, they were hit with the sense that they'd been there before. Jane looked around, confused, but then she saw the tree, or rather, what remained of it.

"I remember." Jane shuddered. A woman had hung from that tree, a presumed suicide. Her husband had mentioned that she'd used the tree for target practice, and they'd all noticed a bullet lodged into the tree as they were cutting her down. She'd had marks on her arms that had spoken of domestic abuse and they all imagined that at one point she'd tried to kill him. Since he didn't die, she'd had to die. It had been a difficult case for them all and left each of them with a bitter taste in their mouth. Jane had been back at work for only two weeks before that call, recovering from her own trauma and she'd had to go to Hen and Karen's after that shift.

"When?" Buck asked the crew, looking around, expecting to see something that sparked his own memory.

"Before you joined us kid." Bobby said softly. They all shuffled out into the field, seeing the body lying there, somewhat twitching.

Jane took it all in, considering what they were looking at. The husband of the original victim, the woman who had hung herself, now lay in the field, bleeding from a gunshot wound. Apparently, he'd blown up the tree that his wife had hung herself from. Once they put all the pieces of the story together, they guessed that the bullet his wife had shot into the tree had ricocheted back and hit him when he was blowing the tree up. In the end, she'd killed him. It seemed- poetic somehow?

Hen was less introspective about the whole thing. Her exact words were, "Karma's a bitch."

"Language," Jane chastised gently as they headed back to the truck. The police and a coroner had been called and they were heading out. "You really shouldn't curse too much. Especially since you are the one who complained just the other day about Denny's use of such language."

"You are so weird." Buck shook his head at Jane as he hefted himself into the truck.

Jane followed, confused at his statement. He wasn't wrong, but... "Why?"

"You're such a mom. I mean you are like really sweet outside of the uniform. Or well...when we aren't on a dangerous call. The minute you go into work mode, you become like, someone else. It's all very, Jekyll and Hyde, except it's like mom and firefighter."

Jane winced at the word mom, but quickly concealed it with pointed sass. "I'm a firefighter. Firefighters can't be too sweet in the field or the flames will consume them."

Hen heard the bite in her words, but Buck wasn't so observant. The older woman tried to send him warning looks, but he ignored her. As a matter of fact, he was just going to town with his foot in his mouth and he didn't even realize it.

"Speaking of moms, did I tell you about what Bobby and I had to do on the full moon? A class full of pregnant women's yoga, three deliveries, and one surrogate had strained her muscles."

"Oh," Jane's throat was dry and so she struggled to swallow over the lump that had formed in her throat. "That's...that's lovely."

"How was the wedding?" Hen interrupted, trying to help.

"Any guys that didn't have STDs?" Chimney said it jokingly, but they shared a grin at remembering the all too real events of Valentine's Day.

Jane wasn't willing to share too many details of that night though. It had been so incredibly out of character for her, and she didn't want the guys to look at her any differently. All of that aside, she didn't want to outright lie to anyone.

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