Chapter 37

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James POV

It's been a month already and she hasn't said anything did the same thing everyday. My parents came over everyday to see how she is doing. Right now we are having breakfast and Hayley just came down. "Hayley." No response she just ate and went back to her room. Today everyone was coming over including the Weasley Molly comes and check on Hayley too along with Minnie and Tonks. Their all coming including snape. They finally arrived and came to the living room. "How is she doing. Said Molly" "she hasn't said anything she just went back to her room." "Where his her room. Said Snape." "I'll show you." We walked to her room knocked no response so we walked in. We saw her in the same position just laying down and looking at the ceiling. "Hayley looks who here." She didn't look. "Hayley what happened in their. Said Snape" She didn't respond so we went downstairs. "What did you do to my god daughter she would've insulted me already. Said Snape" "we did nothing we only sent her to a therapy hospital." "Are you mental you sent her their for how long. Said Snape"  "a month that's all. Said Lily" "you better hope she gets back to herself because the Hayley I know ain't their. Said Snape." Then he left we all looked at each other.

Hayley's POV

The flash backs have been getting out of hand more coming during the day too. Snape came to see me then left. They knock but I don't answer so they just walk in. Someone knocked then came in. "Hey Hayley it's me. Said Minnie" I didn't respond just stared at the ceiling. "Hayley what happened in their dear we are all worried for you. Said Minnie" I didn't respond so she left. Then they all tried to get me to talk they even to me to see a doctor they said I was fine. Right about now is lunch I skip it I only eat at breakfast and dinner.

James POV

Everyone tried to talk to her but she didn't respond. Right now we are eating lunch. "Where's Hayley. Said Molly" "she only eats at breakfast and dinner. Said Lily" They all had worried expressions on their faces. "Are you guys staying for dinner. Said Lily" "yeah. Said everyone" We finished eating and went into the living room the kids went in the back yard. We all sat on the couch. "What are we gonna do she won't move or talk." "I don't know and she won't talk about what happened in their. Said Lily" "Snape is right that ain't the same Hayley any more she didn't even insulted him and she usually does. Said Sirius" "did we brake her sending her their." We all looked at each other. I walked to Hayley's room and walked in saw her just laying down looking up. I went and laid next to her I pulled her close to me she was stiff but kept looking up. "Hayley please tell me what happened in their it's been a month you haven't talked I miss you laugh." She didn't respond I had tears in my eyes my little girl was gone. She didn't smile anymore or laugh she just stayed in her room all day looking at the ceiling. I held onto Hayley She was just looking up. Her birthday was coming up I'm just hoping she is speaking by then. I saw a tear slip down her face I let her go and went downstairs. "She say anything. Said Molly" "no but they did something to her." "Why do you say so. Said Lily" "I was laying with her then I saw a tear slid down her face. She's thinking of something they did to her." "Why don't you call the people. Said Sirius" "because they shut down last month. So I can't ask them any thing." "James what are you thinking about. Said Lily" "I'm just hoping she's talking again before her birthday." "Me too she loves her birthday. Said Minnie.

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