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After Vernon threatens Heather, Heather stood at her window as bars were put up. Now she felt more like a prisoner then she did before. "You're never going back to that school. You're never going to see those freaky friends of yours again. Never."

Heather glared as she walked to her bed. Now she has no way of going back. Just like Dobby wanted.

That night, Heather was sound asleep. She wakes up to a sound that sounds like a car engine outside. Waking up, she gets out of bed and walks to the window. Looking out the window, she sees a strange object moving through the sky. As she looks, the object appears to be a shooting star, before turning into two beams of light. A turquoise Ford Anglia car flies to her bedroom window, then turns to the right as Heather and Hedwig silently watch. In the Ford Anglia is Ron, accompanied by his older twins, Fred and George.

"Hiya, Heather."

Heather smiled happily. "Ron, George, Fred, what are you doing here?"

"Rescuing you, of course. Now, come on. Get your trunk!"

Heather quickly got changed and pack her things. She looked at her friend who had putting a hook to the bars. "You better stand back, Heather."

Heather moved back just as they started driving. She heard the bars trying to come off the house making her smile. Once the bars were off, Heather handed over her trunk and Hedwig before she tried to escape her uncle's wrath. They came in and grabbed her ankle. "Let me go."

"Drive." Ron said as he had his friend's hand.

Heather felt herself getting pulled in as Vernon fell out of the window. She looked at the brothers and smiled. "Thank you."
The arrived at the borrow making Heather smile in relief. They walked in by Fred's instruction just to hear their mother. Heather bit her lip as Molly jumped on her three children. "Well, Ron, I think you should have left that note for her."

"Shush." He tells her.

Heather saw a little girl and looked at Ron. "Who is she?"

"Ginny, my little sister." He said as she ran off. "She's talked about you a lot."

Heather nodded as she followed Ron. "How did you know I need saving?"

"You never got our letters or returned them. We knew then that something was wrong."

Heather nodded as she looked back at George and blushed slightly as she was starting to crush on her friend's brother. Neither George or Heather noticed the slight mark appearing on both of their wrist that indicted something that hasn't happened in 12 years.

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