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Anastasia Kingsley POV

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Anastasia Kingsley POV

Me and Lee practically killed like 40 people driving to Adrian's house.

"Ugh. I swear to god if he's not here I'm going to-" Lee groaned but stopped when he saw the house.

"Hurry up Lee. I wanna know what the special surprise is!" I complained, running into the entrance after going through the gates.

I ran upstairs, onto the fourth floor, to his office.

When I got there, I barged in and Adrain sent me a glare which softened when he saw it was me.

He quickly ended his call and kissed me on the lips. I kissed him back, smiling at him.

"What do you want?" He murmured against my lips.

"What do you mean?" I furrowed my brows innocently, the smile still on my face.

He rolled his beautiful blue eyes, "I know that smile, Anastasia. What do you need?"

"Fine. I need to get to California, fast. I will tell you why but not yet. You have work to do and if I tell you, you'll get all stressed. Please? I really need it." I pouted, kissing him again and again.

"Fine. I'll call my pilot." He grabbed a piece of paper and wrote an address, handing it to me. "Go to this address. And take on of my uglier cars. I love you." He kissed me.

"I love you," I smiled back.

"Be safe." He raised a brow, giving me a kiss on the forehead.

"Bye." I kissed him again, looking down at the paper and running to the foyer where Lee was just standing, reading the note again and again.

"Fucking finally. Did you get it?" He raised a brow.

"Yes. Let's go. Wait we need to go to the garage first." I turned to the direction of the garage, seeing over 50 sports cars.

"Oh! Let's take the Valkyrie!" Lee smiled as he pointed to the navy blue car.

"No. We are taking this one." I hopped into a red Ferrari that was kinda ugly so it didn't matter if we crashed it.

"Ugh. Fine." Lee rolled his eyes, still wanting the Aston Martin.


We drove to the address and only crashed two cars.

What? We haven't driven in 6 years!

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