A New Foe?

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The next time my eyes opened I was laying at the edge of the bed, an arm and leg dangling off the edge. I guess I really do sleep wild before missions or in this case, war. I actually can't wait to put my new strength to the test, to see how strong I have become.


My stomach roared, reminding me that it needed some grub. Unfortunately I don't have enough food or time to make my stomach satisfied. All I want are some of Ruby's pancakes. Those were the best. I don't know what the kid puts in them but no other place or person can compare.

7:30 rolled around, I should be heading to the DEO. Before I left I made my way to the living room. On a shelf was a picture of my wife. Today is her anniversary. She's been gone for what feels like forever to me but it's only been 5 years.

As a single tear rolled down my cheek I took her picture and kissed it. "Be with me today baby." I whispered.

Usually I drink form sun up til sun down and reminisce on our life together but I have a mission to complete. I shake it off and put her picture back before the water works started up. I bowed to her and walked out.

I made my way to the DEO. Everyone from the other universe was gathered around the circle table, strategizing. Good they're coming up with a plan. Maybe I should let them in on my own plan but I'll wait until Kara gets here.

Anderson wasn't here yet. He's in the next town over, I can feel him. What is he doing there? After about ten minutes of sitting back and watching everyone from afar, Anderson had returned. Bearing gifts. He had a whole bunch of breakfast burritos which filled my nostrils with it's beautiful sent and two females.

Not 100% sure why he had two females with him but he does.

"I ran across these two at the desert facility. Once they're power dampeners are off they have some decent power levels."

I felt for their energy, they do have some decent power levels.

"Decent levels." The female with whiteish grey hair said. Her eyes were black. Normally black eyes wouldn't bother me but with her light hair, her eyes stand out a lot more.

"Take these cuffs off and I'll kick your ass." She said looking at both Anderson and I.

The blonde female behind her was quite and expressionless.

"Listen up both of you. Judging by the cuffs around your wrists I'd say your prisoners."

"What of it?" The white-ish grey haired woman asked.

"Long story short. I can buy you some freedom. A war is coming. If you agree to fight with us, I might be able to get you some more freedom."

The blonde was thinking about it. The other just looked at me as if I were stupid for even suggesting I could get her some freedom.

"Oh yeah." She said sarcastically "And what power do you have? Huh."

"You'll be surprised at the power I possess." I smirked.

She still wasn't sure but she agreed anyway.

"Live Wire! Psi! What the hell are you two doing here!" Kara had finally arrived.

"Supergirl. Can't say it's nice to see you." This Live Wire women is getting under Kara's skin.

"You owe me a rematch." Live Wire smirked. "I've thought of nothing else but my revenge and I've come up with some new moves." She swiftly formed a ball of electricity in her hand. Even with her power dampener on.

She has more power then I thought. Before she could release her electro-ball I disappeared and reappeared in between both women.

"Enough! Sparky, calm down. Remember what I offered."

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