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I had been in Ink's custody for three weeks by this time, and I was starting to understand what he meant when he told me his plan. The sense of normalcy had already settled; it was normal for me to expect pain on a daily basis. The next step unsettled me, however; I didn't want my will to break, but I wasn't sure if I had a choice. Ink seemed to enjoy making me yell out in pain, which I didn't fully understand, but I couldn't question it. I had no place to question things anymore; I had failed my family, and that was the worst thing I could have ever done. All of my hope rested on Papyrus; he's the best, and if anyone could rescue Error, it was him. Paps would save Error; I was sure of it. As for me, I would see what happened; I hoped that Papyrus would come for me, but I would understand if he didn't. I was a failure, and I didn't deserve rescuing..I didn't even deserve Paps. I woke up rather early in the morning, being greeted by aching red bones; Ink really liked to use red paint when torturing me - I was starting to dislike that color. When I opened my eyesockets, Ink noticed Ink climbing out of his bed; he always got up early; when he had finished his morning routine, he picked up his brush, which was beside his bed, and walked over to me. He knelt down to see that I was already awake; that pleased him.

"Good morning, Dust!" Ink greeted. "Did you have a pleasant rest?"

I said nothing; I had barely spoken for about two weeks when Ink was present.

"I'll take that as a 'Yes, Ink! I had a wonderful rest!'" Ink giggled. "Anyway, I have a bit of work to do today before we start, which means you're getting a babysitter. Understand?"

I nodded; he had done this before, and it was useless to argue. 

"Good!" Ink grinned. "You're such a compliant toy; I like that. I'll be back later, bye!" 

At this, Ink stood and walked to the door; I wished I could reach it, but Ink had made a point of breaking both of my legs to prevent that action. Instead, I just lay on the floor as he called a guard to watch me. The guards seemed to pity me; I didn't deserve that. They were really nice when they had some time alone with me, and I enjoyed their company; it seemed that they needed attention, and I was in a position where it was easy to listen to their problems to get my mind off of my pain. Of course, a portion of the guards weren't as kind as the others; there were different ranks of guards, and the highest ones joined Ink willingly when they had the choice. They were the cruel ones, and Ink had no qualms against them taking anger out on me; as far as he was concerned, it simply furthered his experiment when he was absent. I didn't even feel like a person anymore..I was just a punching bag. When the guard came, I was relieved; he was a lower rank, which meant he had a higher chance of being nice. He came over and sat next to me with a soft smile brightening his expression; he was certainly nice.

"Heya." The guard helped me sit up; my entire body ached. 

"Th-thanks.." I winced a bit when my legs settled.

 "No problem. Are you feeling okay? Do you want something to drink? From what I've heard, maybe some water would be a nice change?"

"W-well.." I coughed up some paint; that had been happening recently. "M-maybe a little.."

"Here, take as much as you want." The guard helped me drink some water; it got the taste of paint out of my mouth, and that was a miracle. "The name's Fell; we've met before.."

"I r-remember.."

"I'm sorry for what I did..if it wasn't for me, maybe none of this would've happened.."

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