ATE - 19 - I

254 17 3

Italics didn't load in on this one oof-


I had been in Ink's custody for forty-seven years and four months now, and it really wasn't so bad - it was. Ink hadn't actually been torturing me - everything he said was torture; the fight was a losing one - which was a bit weird, but I wasn't complaining. Actually, Ink was kind of..nice - I was letting myself be fooled! He didn't hurt me with paint or break my bones - that was the point - and he didn't even use attacks on me - he attacked ME! My soul felt weird almost all the time, which I attributed to my "split personality," as Ink called it. I really didn't like that feeling, but I couldn't control it. It was a bit weird having two parts of myself to keep track of, but I managed to do it. There was the side that liked Ink, and there was the side that didn't; I sometimes didn't even know what I was saying when one of them took full control, but I knew which one Ink was trying to get into full control: the side that liked him. If he succeeded, I didn't know what would happen. I called the sides Kind and Sense. It was a new day, and Ink had just woken me up; I met him with a smile as the side that liked him took over.

"Good morning, Dusty!" Ink patted my skull, making me laugh.

"Good morning!" I held my Hope close.

"Did you sleep well?"


"Do you love your brother?"


"Are you sure?"

"Of course I am." Sense took over, before being suppressed. 

"What are your reasons?"

"I-I..just do?"

"That's not good enough. Do you love him?"


"Very well. Tell me, Dusty: what do you think of me?"

"I think you're really nice - you're a rotten manipulator."

"Yes, I am!" Ink patted me on the skull once more. "You're so smart! Hmm, Dusty?"


"Do you like this?" Ink patted my skull again.



"What's interesting?"

"Oh, nothing. Say, do you want to go on a walk?"

"I'd love to - why would I ever go anywhere with you?"

"That's great! Keep your doll close, though! You forgot it last time, remember?"

"Yeah.." It was lost for a week until it was finally found in a universe we had visited; I was in tears the entire time. I picked up my Hope and held it close.

"All right! Today, we have a nice walk: one universe for post-conquering duties, two interrogations, and one check-in on a 'friend.'"

"Why do you emphasize friend?"

"Ah, that's a good question." Ink knelt down beside me and smiled softly. "I emphasize it because I don't mean it. He thinks we're friends and that I care for him, but I don't. You see, his AU is a tougher one to keep under control, and if I can keep him happy, his universe will be happy. Understand?"

"Why would you lie? Manipulator."

"It's for a good cause. Do you really think that every AU likes being conquered?"

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