ATE - 20 - Know

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I had been Ink's toy for fifty-four years and two months now. I felt like I was losing my mind just a little bit more every day. My sides were fighting for control, and it honestly felt like there was a battle going on inside of me; I wanted it to end! I didn't care which side won anymore! I just wanted peace! Ink just kept being himself while keeping me close by; he wanted to see the outcome of my war more than even I did. He also helped my 'Kind' side out by discouraging my 'Sense'; I could do nothing but wait. Recently, my Sense side had been coming out less frequently, which meant that my Kind side was dominating; Ink said that a winner would no doubt be declared soon. As the battle progressed, I could feel it, too. I woke this morning with a bright smile; I didn't care about the broken bones that I had been given the day before - I couldn't feel pain in them, anyway. When I sat up and hugged my Hope, Ink kindly greeted me; he was so kind - he wasn't kind..

"Good morning, Dusty!" Ink greeted. 

"Good morning!" I returned happily.

"Did you sleep well?" 


"That's so nice! Do you love your brother?"

"Y-" I stopped - why did I stop?

"What was that?" Ink leaned in closer.

"I said..y-yes?"

"Dusty, are you lying?"


"Tell me the truth. Do you really, with all that he's done for you, which is nothing, still love him?"

"I..don't know.."

"Aw, are you unsure? Let me help you make up your mind."


"Well, your brother hasn't been around to help you, has he?"

"I-I guess not.." What was I saying?!

"Well, let's think. Who has?"

"Who has..been there?"

"Yes, who has been with you for the entire time you've been here? Who fed you, made sure you got your sleep at night, and even kept you out of trouble?"

"I.." I couldn't be thinking like that! 

"It would have to be someone close.."

"Not you!"

"Dusty, be truthful."


"I'm only trying to help."

"I can't.."

"It's only one word."


"What's their name?"

"D-don't do this.."

"What's their name?"

"I can't give up..."

"Who's been there instead of your brother?"

"I.." My soul tickled once more..before it..stopped.

"What's their name?"

"Why, it would be Ink, of course! You!" I giggled as Ink patted my skull.

"That's right! Unlike your brother, I'll never abandon you!"

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