ALP - 6 - Wonder

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We had been stuck in the kiddie prison for three months. We hated it. Killer had a pet knife back home waiting for him, Horror couldn't see his brother, I couldn't see my brother, Error wasn't able to destroy corruption in universes, Cross was bored, and Nightmare told us that the balance was on the verge of wavering again. We wanted to go home. We didn't outwardly show that we hated it, though; we didn't find it worthy enough of our attention to do that. Instead, we played; that was our main activity, and we did it well. Playing was always an option, especially when you were a child. We had to deal with Ink's chaos every third day instead of every day thanks to Dream's compassion, even if he didn't know what Ink did to us; we were very thankful for that. Most of our time was spent playing either by ourselves or with the swap brothers and Dream, who were frequent visitors. It didn't feel like they saw us as murderers anymore; it felt more like they saw us as children. We liked that. We actually liked being seen as children; we could play games and have fun, and nobody thought it was weird! That was the only good thing about it, but it was good nonetheless. We were happy. 

Today was, fortunately, not an Ink day, which meant we were allowed to sleep later and play more; we enjoyed that. Dream and the swap brothers claimed that they had something special to do with us today, which made it seem exciting. The entire idea of 'reforming' was pretty much dropped when the enemies started seeing us as children instead of killers; there were no more lessons on being good people when we just wanted to have fun like children. If I had to put it into the simplest phrases I could think of, I would say that we were basically adopted by our enemies, and Ink was the figurative "evil stepmother" - even if he wasn't a girl, he fit the description - while Dream and the swap brothers were the exciting sibling/parent figures. Nightmare was always going to be our dad, though; nobody could take that from him. The enemies didn't seem much like enemies anymore; they seemed more like..friends. We were currently playing in our room alone; the friends were doing something to prepare for the special event they had planned. We wondered what it was, but we weren't going to guess yet; we wanted to be surprised. We were currently playing I Spy, which was suggested by Papyrus; he's the best.

"I spy with my little eyesocket..something blue!" Killer exclaimed. 

"Th-the sky?" Cross guessed.


"The wall?" Error assumed.


"Yer jacke'?" Horror looked at Killer. 

"Close, but no!"

"Horror's jacket?" Nightmare questioned. 

"Super close! Dusty, you're the last guess!"

"Hmm.." I thought for a minute. "I got nothing."

"Come on!" Error pleaded. "You're the last hope!"

"Well, fine. jacket?"

"Nope!" Killer giggled. "It was my shoe!"

"Aw man!" Error looked sadly at Killer's shoe. "That was rigged!"

"No it wasn't!" Nightmare laughed. 

"Maybe not, but I still say it was!"

"Le's play somethin' else.." Horror suggested.

"O-okay!" Cross pondered the subject for a moment. "H-how about we p-play ship?"

"Yeah!" Killer jumped onto his feet. "I call bein' captain!"

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