ALP - 10 - Move

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We had been children for a year at this point, and a lot of improvements had been made - mainly concerning Ink. After he was identified as the freak he was, the logical choice of action was to figure out what to do with him; keeping him in a cell without the approval of the rest of the multiverse wasn't the best option. Long story short, there was a trial, and it was agreed that Ink would be locked up for quite a long time; ten years wasn't long to him, but it was enough for us. He had lost all previous status he may have had before, and he was certainly not going to be the Protector anymore; the multiverse would handle threats itself, and that was the best solution found: if something threatened a universe, other universes would help! As for us, we were too 'young' to help out in that aspect, still being small children; we didn't even seem to be growing, which was unsettling. As much as I liked being a kid, I wanted to grow up at some point. At the moment, our main focus was getting the bracelets off; we hadn't had many 'good night's sleeps' in months. We were still in our room, which was certifiably safer than before, and we were honestly bored; the bracelets weren't coming off. We had tried pulling, breaking them, and even cutting off their magic supply, all of which failed - the last one actually hurt me a little due to my condition.

"All right, we're going to" The swapped Papyrus had no clue what to do next; we had tried dozens of ways. "Unstiching the fabric?"

"We've tried that!" The swapped Sans wasn't looking as bright as usual. "We've tried everything! Nothing is working!"

"How can he even use them?" Dream wondered. "It isn't like he still has the controller!"

"We took that away, but it seems he knows something we don't." The swapped Papyrus sighed.

"Why don't we ask him?" Starstruck was so innocent. "Maybe he'll tell us!"

"I doubt it." 

"We'll just have to keep trying!" Dream declared. "There has to be a way!"

"Wh-what isn't?" Cross was losing hope. "Wh-what if it's i-impossible?"

"Don't worry, Crossy!" Killer comforted. "We'll be okay!"

"I-I'm scared..."

"It'll be fine." Nightmare assured. "At least he's not here in person.."

"I g-guess.."

"Maybe we could try cutting off the magic again?" The swapped Papyrus suggested.

"No way." Nightmare was stern. "Dust almost died last time; we're not taking that risk again."

"I didn't really almost die.." I stated.

"Your soul stopped beating for ten minutes."

"Okay, I almost died.." I remembered that well. 

"Then what do we do?" The swapped Papyrus asked.

"I don't know.." Dream was upset. "Maybe we can think better in the's getting late."

"You mean..g-go to sleep?" Even Error was frightened of that aspect.

"You have to sleep some time..just..try to ignore him as much as you can, okay?"

"What...what does he tell you that makes you so afraid?" The swapped Papyrus questioned nicely, but it still made us uncomfortable. "Nevermind.."

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