ALP - 13 - Release

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Ink had been locked up for a day under ten years; he would be released tomorrow. We had lived in Outertale with the brothers in happiness for around the same amount of time, and we loved it! We had become friends of just about everyone in Outertale, and they liked having us around, too; it was really..nice. We liked being welcomed in different places; we liked having friends that we could rely on. We had a lot of friends, really, but we never stayed apart from eachother, and we would never stop being a family; we would be a family forever. Today, we were preparing ourselves for Ink's release; we had to be there, although we didn't know why. We assumed it was some sort of formality, but we didn't know for sure. In any case, we were unsettled by it, but we would have a few close friends there to make sure that nothing went wrong; we didn't really have good fighting skills as children, but our friends could certainly protect us if something went wrong. We were currently playing in the Outertale brothers' living room, trying to get our minds off of important matters; we didn't want to think about Ink at all.

"Plane one, you're clear for landing!" Nightmare signaled.

"Roger that, I'm comin' down!" Killer landed a toy plane on the ground. "Safe landin'!"

"Plane two, plane two, you're losing fuel!"

"Aw, shucks." Horror frowned. "Knew I should'a fix'd that."

"I c-can rescue h-him!" Cross tied a rope between his plane and Horror's.

"Good thinking, plane four!" Nightmare complimented. 

"Plane five, requesting permission to land." Error solicited.

"Request under consideration..granted. You're clear for landing, plane five."

"Roger that, control." Error started to bring his plane down, but he collided with mine!

"Abort mission! Abort mission!" Nightmare was concerned. "Rescue team! Firemen! Police! Help!"

"Oh, no!" I mourned my plane.

"Don't worry, Dusty!" Killer lifted his plane back up. "I gotcha!"

In a feat of heroism, Killer rescued the two planes that had collided, and they all landed.

"You'll no doubt be decorated for this, plane one!" Nightmare grinned.

"Like with Christmas lights?" Killer asked. 

"..Not quite."

"Aw, man!"

"Are you kids doing all right, down there?" Outer popped his skull out from the second floor; he and a few friends were discussing  tomorrow.

"Yep!" We answered.

"All right. We might take a little while longer than we had planned, so, if you want to, you can maybe ask Star to take you to..oh, I don't know..a candy store?"

"Candy!" Killer was already dragging Starstruck out of his room; he had been cleaning, but that was now of no importance.

"Be careful!"

"We will!" Error assured.

"Brother, we shouldn't be feeding them candy at such a late hour!" Starstruck was concerned.

"It's only seven.." Killer was disappointed.

"Oh..I suppose once cannot hurt.." Starstruck was by no means immune to Killer's pleading expression.

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