Chapter 91

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WARNING! Death of a a Catfish is here. Viewers Discretion is Advised!


Zane pins Blyke to the wall.

"Ugh...!" Blyke groans.

"I thought I warned you with Isen and Remi." Zane says.

".............." Blyke stays silent.

Zane sighs and lets go of Blyke. "At least let me hear the reason why you continued."

"It was to get stronger." Blyke responds.

"You do realize there are other ways right?" Zane looks at Blyke.

"Yes. I know." Blyke says.

"No doubt that someone was recording. Well. That is my guess." Zane rubs his chin.

'Crap...!' Blyke thinks.

"So. Rei told me about the two that showed up in Grasshill. Mind telling me what you saw?" Zane asks.

"Well. The female had some kind of dagger. It always goes back to her like it was commanded in some way. The dagger suppressed the people's abilities." Blyke states.

Zane looked surprised. "You got to me kidding me."

"What? You know about the female?" Blyke asks.

"Yup. Rei said there was a man with similar outfit and dagger. So no doubt it's them." Zane sighs.

"Are they dangerous?" Blyke asks.

"Oh yeah. They are considered ability hunters. The two you saw at Grasshill are Cicada and Cicada 2." Zane says.

"Well... What can you tell me about them?" Blyke asks.

"Well. Their daggers suppress abilities. Somehow the daggers are made with some kind of technology that we don't understand right now. No ability user is safe against them." Zane says.

"Damn! This world is really full of dangerous people." Blyke says.

"Yup. So I'm going to say this again. Don't go out there again." Zane says.

"Don't worry. Rei and ponytail told me a speech about it." Blyke says.

"Good." Zane smiles as he pats Blyke's shoulder.

Zane walks away.


"So you talked with Blyke?" Zari asks.

"Yeah. He won't do it again. Apparently, he encountered Cicada and Cicadas 2." Zane says.

"Yikes! Luckily he didn't get.." Zari swipe her throat with her thumb. "You know."

"On god." Zane says.

"You know John and Seraphina seem to have calm down. Don't know if they have talked yet." Zari says.

"Uh huh. You just waiting for them to go out huh?" Zane asks.

"Duh! It's been like what? Almost two months and still no progress." Zari deadpans.

"Don't worry. Soon, they'll get together." Zane says.

"Hey." Zari starts.

"Hm?" Zane looks at Zari.

"Remember that person we saw a few days ago?" Zari asks.



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