Twenty-Nine: You

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Getting a hold of the king is damn near impossible.

I managed to get a number from my Dad. He told me to use it to get a hold of him. With that, I had to tell him and my mother about Bennett being my mate. It was a shock to them considering they knew I had found my mate, but they never knew who it was. They both started talking to me about what my decision was. I told them I wasn't going anywhere, which eventually led to me telling them I had fallen in love with Evan and we are now in a relationship. They support every bit of it, which I'm thankful for, and they told me that whatever my decisions are, they'd support me no matter how much they may not agree with it. I'm one lucky girl.

Needless to say, my parents and I have caught up. We sat down and talked for a good hour after I got back from the hospital. I told them about Bennett, about Evan, about my so-called dead friend, and even about the new power I've figured out. It almost makes me feel guilty that I haven't been spending as much time with them as I should be. With mine and Rowan's birthday coming up in about a week, I'm going to make it my mission to spend more time with them.

For hours, I've been trying to get a hold of Bennett, only to constantly being transferred to different phone numbers and being told to wait. I've not been lucky so far.

I've switched between what feels like a million positions on my bed. I've gone from laying down, to sitting up, to hanging upside down from the end of the bed in the span of several hours. Now, I'm sprawled out in a star shape on my bed, my phone laying right next to my ear on speakerphone. And frankly, I'm starting to get tired of this one too. I'm beginning to get tired of waiting.

Evan walked out of the room right after Rowan broke the news about Bennett being my mate. I haven't seen him since. A part of me is almost relieved that someone else said it instead of me, but I'm much too sure that Evan would have rather found out from me than anyone else. He doesn't deserve to find it out like that. Especially not after I've been on his ass for weeks about keeping secrets from me. Because of that, I make a mental note to find him when I'm finished and talk it out.

I'm about to grab my phone and hang up for the fifth time today after waiting for almost forty-five minutes, when I hear a voice that I'm familiar with speak. Finally. "Hello?" The voice speaks. A pang of energy boosts through me at the sound of the familiar voice. I pick the phone up, sit up and cross my legs, and set it back down in front of me.

"Bennett?" I ask.

The voice is soft coming through the phone. "You're close," it answers. "Only it's the older, more attractive brother."

A smile grows rapidly on my lips and my entire face and mood brightens in less than a second as I figure out who it is. "Hey, Levi. It's Norah," I say, which I'm sure he knows considering he probably wouldn't have greeted me like that if he didn't know who it was.

"Hey," he replies. I can hear his smile through the phone. "It's been a while," he chuckles before adding, "How's it been?"

Playing with the hem of my shirt, my smile grows. I can't help but realize how much I miss hanging around him, though our time together was brief. I want to tell him everything has been going great, and even throw in a how are you of my own, but that's not the reason for today's call. "Not too good," I say, my tone growing serious. I pick the phone up and bring it to my lips. "That's the reason I was calling. Does Bennett happen to be around?"

"He is, actually. Just got out of a meeting," he tells me, his tone also becoming serious to match mine. "I can go look for him if you'd like," he offers, and though he can't see it, I nod.

"Please," I answer.

"Alright," he says. "I'll be back with him in a minute."

The sound of him setting the phone down is the next thing I hear. I do the same; I set my phone down and lean forward, placing my elbows on my knees and my chin in my hand. This would be the first time talking to Bennett after leaving the palace. Part of me wants to ask him why he avoided me that day before I left, and even know I might know the answer, I still need to hear it from him, but that's not the purpose of the call. I have plenty of days ahead of me to ask him.

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