//Book 1// ~ Shelter From The Storm

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3rd Person POV

"Patricia Arias, we need to talk to you." Supergirl knocks on the door of Patricia's house

Supergirl looks back at J'onn who nods. "Let's go." He says. He opens the door and the two walk in. "Mrs. Arias?"

"Francis Pierce, I told you that the next time I caught you in my house looking for pills, I was gonna put a hole through your thieving hand!" Patricia yells, clicking her gun

"Holy shit." Willow breathes, putting her hands up in surrender next to Supergirl

J'onn whips around and sees Willow. "How did you..." He trails off angrily to which Willow gives him a small wave

"Supergirl." Patricia breathes, bringing the conversation back to where it was supposed to be and lowering her gun

"We're sorry if we startled you, Mrs. Arias." Supergirl says. "This is J'onn J'onzz from the FBI."

"We have reason to believe that Reign is on her way here." J'onn says, flashing his FBI badge

"Who's the other one?" Patricia asks, nodding over at Willow who was in her signature black jacket and mask

"Uh...a friend." Supergirl says. "Look, this house isn't safe. We need to get you out of it."

"She's her, isn't she?" Patricia asks. "My Sam is Reign."

Supergirl and Willow share a look. "How do you know?" Supergirl asks, focusing on Patricia again

"I, uh... I never told her where she was from." Patricia says, leading the group through the house to Sam's old room. "I...I just wanted her to be normal, and then when she was ten, she started doodling all over her books. It was like something inside her just needed to get out... and I punished her for it. I grounded her, and I tore up the pages." Patricia tears the wallpaper off the wall to reveal drawings. "So she drew it on the wall to spite me. When I saw the same mark all over the news, I knew. Oh, Jesus... All I ever wanted to do was to protect her. That's all I ever wanted. When we bury things... And I should've known this, but... When we bury things, they come at you even harder."

"What Sam's become has nothing to do with the way she was raised." Supergirl says

"I was an awful mother." Patricia says. "I kicked her out. I've never even met my granddaughter."

"Uh... We need to...get you out of here before she comes." J'onn says

"No, if she's coming here, I wanna be here when she does." Patricia says

"I don't know if that's a good idea." Willow says

"I kicked her out when I should've helped her." Patricia says. "I am not gonna turn away from her now."


Supergirl stands in the kitchen late at night while J'onn pulls Willow around the yard, making her help set things up...and yelling at her

"Dude." Willow says, stopping in the middle of the yard

"Don't call me dude." J'onn says, stopping and facing her

"I get why you're cautious around me." Willow tells him. "My blood is kryptonite. It radiates off my skin. But what I don't understand is that if Kara doesn't have a problem with being around me then...then why do you?"

J'onn huffs, swiping his hand across his forehead quickly. "Look, I have zero problem with who you are as a person--"

"You sure because--" Willow tries

"Don't interrupt." J'onn tells her to which Willow sinks back slightly. "I'm sure you're a lovely girl and a great photographer and friend. But because of what you are...you can cause a lot of things to go sideways. You're helping out, okay that's fine. But what happens if a bad guy uses your powers against Kara? What if you are Kara somehow get trapped somewhere together and your kryptonite radiation harms her? What then? You're not going to be helping anyone by harming Supergirl. The fact of the matter is...I don't trust your kryptonite which in turn means I don't trust you." Willow silently listens, the words weighing heavily in the silence. "We're done out here. Let's go inside."

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