Battle begins

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In the Previous chapter

At the hanger

( Team fang was about to leave in fang s spaceship )

" Best of luck guys " boboiboy said

" Thanks boboiboy "

Kaizo went towards fang , kneeled Infront of him and whispered something in his ears .

" Stay safe pang "

Fang s eyes gleamed with happiness

" You too captain "

" And pang remember if you failed this mission no red carrot doughnuts for you till a week " kaizo said in his ears , and went back To his position with a playful smirk on his face .

While fang shouted irritatily

Captain !!!!!!!!!


Currently -

" Fang have you reached ? " a Dino cap boy asked to a raven haired boy on his a watch

" No it will take atleast half an hour more to reach planet astaria "

" Dey what were doing ? We have already reached " another boy poked his head Infront the hologram

" Cause you guys used ochobot s teleportation power !! "

" Stop fighting you two " boboiboy interrupted

" Fang inform me when you will get here , We are currently heading towards Giovanni s ship to save mom "
" Ok "


Boboiboy and gang are in Giovanni's ship searching for boboiboy s mom
The spaceship was huge and it had CCTV cameras almost every corner
Gopal was shooting all CCTV cameras in Thier way 

" Hey Who s there ? " one of the pirates shouted
But when they came towards that corridor no one was there

" Off that was close we almost got busted " a hijabi girl said
They were hiding inside the air vents
Fortunately they Heard the pirates and quickly hidded


" Guys the pirates are coming quick hide " boboiboy commanded
" But where ? " Gopal asked
" Look Thiers a air vent , we canhid ther " ying said
Everyone went inside the vent well except Gopal he was having trouble Because of his large figure
" That's why we should diet once a week ! " Yaya scolded him
" Dey ! Stop shouting and pull me already "
And fortunately they pulled Gopal just in time
Flashback ended

" Guys we should continue our search inside the vents only , going outside is dangerous " a pigtailed brunette whispered

They continued to crawl inside the vent until they reached an opening which leaded towards a room

" That's mom and gionavni " he whispered

" So is the process complet ? "
" No sir , unfortunately it will take atleast an hour more to complete the procedure "

" They have got the crystal ! " Yaya half shouted half whispered

" We need to alert fang and others ! "

Meanwhile with fang s team

A needle like ship landed and three humanoid aliens came out one was a raven spikey head and other two were twins wearing a steel armour with shields  , one wearing a green hood and another wearing his shield as a samurai hat

The raven haired boy typed something on his watch and a hologram appeared

" Boboiboy we are hear , what's the status there ? "

" Fang ! Listen carefully

" Giovanni has got this crystal and we have to stop him before the process finishes " boboiboy said

" Oka– fang was about to say something until they heard an explosion and the communication disconnected

With BBB and gang

There was explosion in the vent and boboiboy and other fell down

" Looks like we have guests here " Giovanni said while smirking

" Guards get them ! " Giovanni ordered while one of the pirates threw a bomb at them

They were about to react until they felt dizzy and fainted


" Boboiboy ! , Boboiboy ! Answer me "
Fang shouted in his watch but it was of no use since the call got disconnected

" Looks like they got caught , fang we need to report it to commander " shielda said

" Guys there s change in plan  , first we need to release my friends from Giovanni "

" But what about powerbot ? , And we need to tell the seniors about it ! Sai said

" No ! We don't have time for it , come on my friends are in danger !

The shieldliblings had no choice but to follow Thier leader

So how was today's chapter ?

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