2 | Blue Eyes, Void Stare

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Azrael has been sitting with Sam Wilson at a bistro table near their designed target.

"So, Sera," Sam began, reclining on the back of his chair, "what are you?"

Azrael did not turn; her clear eyes never left their target, Jasper Sitwell, as he stopped to talk with a man in the distance.

"One of The Big Three, then?" Sam urged, interested.

Azrael imperceptibly frowned as she listened to the conversation between the two far-away men. She decided to humour the young man beside her. "What is it, Sam Wilson?"

Sam grinned, "The Big Three! And Sam will do." His excitement was met with silence by the golden-haired woman; she did not give him an inch. So, obviously, Sam endured in his rant. "Androids, Aliens and Wizards."

"I am none of the three, I am afraid," Azrael returned. The man Sitwell was talking to, Senator Stern, admitted to having using a young reporter for sex, promising her a career. Azrael's upper lip curled up, and Sam heard a low growl coming from her.

"Ok, ok, no Big Three!" Sam spoke, raising his hands in a gesture of surrender.

"They were talking about vile affairs, Sam, and have just invoked HYDRA," she gestured with her head to the distant men. "Let us make a friendly call to Sitwell."

Sam nodded, pulling out his phone. Azrael listened to the conversation with interest.

"Yes, sir?" came a voice from the device.

"Agent Sitwell, how was lunch? I hear the crab cakes here are delicious." Azrael had a tiny smile on her face as she met Sam's eyes. He was an interesting man, humorous and witty.

"Who is this?"

"The good-looking guy in the sunglasses, your ten o'clock," Azrael detected the slight tone of exasperation as Sam added, "Your other ten o'clock. There you go."

Azrael met the narrowed eyes of Sitwell, reading in them confusion and anger. "What do you want?"

"You're gonna go around the corner, to your right. There's a grey car, two spaces down. You, I, and this charming lady with me are gonna take a ride."

"And why would I do that?"

"Because that tie looks really expensive, and I'd hate to mess it up," Sam replied as a small red light from a gun appeared on his tie. He hung up and rose from the table with Azrael.

"He is not convinced, Sam," Azrael stated as they advanced towards Sitwell. Sam had the distinct impression that the woman beside him had been in his mind because that was exactly what he was thinking seconds ago. Who exactly was Sera?

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