Chapter 10 | Control

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Emma's group, (Y/N)'s Group, Don's group and Maiko's group were waiting for their group leaders to give them the signal. Once they moved their hands forwards, the kids all followed after them.


"Play tag in teams?" (Y/N) asked.

"Yeah. The vast majority of us will die if we try to escape individually." Emma glared at Ray. "Still, I think all of the kids had pretty decent moves. We've also collected some new data." Ray explained.

"We'll be able to escape if we do so in teams." Norman said.

"And to do that...we have to train by playing tag in teams." Emma says.

"For now, I'm just going to have you memorize 10 types of team formations." Ray told Emma.

"By ear?" She sweated.

"Too hard for you?" Ray asked, a smirk on his face.

A determined smile came onto Emma's lips. "Nope, piece of cake!"

"We've gotta step up our game. Let's start arranging these training sessions to make them more applicable in real life situations...both pre and post escape. Also, I'm thinking of letting Don and Gilda I'm on our plans soon. We'll explain the situation and have them each lead a team." Norman explained."


"...So. What about them?" Ray whispered as he and Norman did the dishes.

"There's only one way...let's rethink our current plan." Norman whispered back.

"You and me, and maybe Maiko and (Y/N) will most likely be the only ones that'll be able to handle this task. It'll probably be much too hard for Emma and the others to handle...psychologically." Whispered Ray.

"Well technically, that does make them saner than us. First, we've got to separate those two. Let's incapacitate them one by one, two, maybe three, against each." Norman said.

"Incapacitate, huh..."

"It'll be harder than going for the kill." Norman told him.

The two boys then walked into the large pantry in the kitchen.

"It's definitely not an impossible task to kill..." Ray trailed off.

"But it's true that we can't kill those two for other reasons. They've made sure to track even us mere cattle. It's not far fetched at all to say that there's a possibility our caretakers could also be monitored somehow by the demons." Norman said.

"Agreed. It's quite likely. Like even if we weren't to do anything, the demons must have some sort of way to make sure those two haven't died unexpectedly due to some illness or accident." Ray pointed out.

"We'll do everything to achieve our goal! We've got to figure out a way to "restrict" those two!" Norman thought.


Now the two were in the library.

"But Mama really is a terrifying woman. By simply showing us her tracker, she's managed to:

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