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"This place is amazing!" Noami cheered as she kept walking around while Amaru had just walked in from exploring out back "The pool is gorgeous!" She cheered with a bright light in her eyes.

"It's there are so many rooms." Vera replied as she descended the stairs. "We should make one into our practice room". She suggested.

"That's a good idea!" Jia responded as she put her cell phone in the pocket of her hoodie. "Owen just called. He said that our stuff should be arriving next week."

"Yes! I missed all my stuffies" Amaru exclaimed with a wide smile on her face. The girl had a large collection of stuffed animals that she always missed when the band had to go on tour, or meetings in this case.

"So this is really happening?" Naomi replied more to herself than anyone. "Vera really just got married, and we are staying in this house for an entire year?"

Jia simply nodded. "Sure it's a little odd but look on the bright side. We all get to live together again, plus we have this giant house all to our selves!" The leader told them. The girls all lived with Jia and Owen while they were first starting out as a band, however, once their careers as musicians took off they each eventually moved out.

"It will be nice being just the four or us again." Amaru stated as she looked around the room. Sure they all clowned on each other (mostly Jia), they were all happy to have a rest as well some quality time with one another. However before the girls were able to reminisce in the moment, they were interrupted by a loud CRASH from the front door


"Will you shut up?"


"You are acting like a toddler..."

"He never grew out of that phase."


"But seriously what's with the duffel bag?"

"Good point."



"What is it Joong?"

"The CEO just told me that he'll be here in 5 minutes..."

"Well this can't be good-"


The girls all looked at each other from their spots in the kitchen and reluctantly shuffled towards the chaos that was ensuing by the entrance.

As they turned the corner to the front door they were met by the 8 boys that formed Ateez. "Um, hey." Jia replied a bit confused as the other three girls looked at them a bit confused.

"Is he ok?" Amaru asked pointing towards San who was rubbing his forehead as he sat on the hardwood floor.

"Yeah he's just cranky about waking up early." Yunho explained as San scoffed at his bandmate and got up.

"Hey girls." HoongJoong politely greeted them as the all awkwardly waved. "What brings you four here?" He asked just as confused as the rest of them.

"We are moving in." Naomi replied before grabbed her duffle from the ground. "Sorry about that sweetie, we weren't exactly expecting guests. Do you want some ice for your head?" She asked San who, like the rest of the boys, were very surprised by how sweet should could be when Wooyoung wasn't pissing her off.

"I'm good. Thank you though." He replied as he could sense Wooyoung's glare from his left. Let's just say if looks could kill, they'd have a homicide on their hands.

"Wait so you guys are moving in too?" Yeosang asked making Vera's brow quirk at his phrasing. "Too?" She repeated as the room suddenly went silent.

"Oh no." Jia whispered at the realization.

"Good! Looks like you are already well acquainted with one another!" The CEO replied as he entered the house with a wide smile. "This should make the process run a little smoother."

"Housemates?" Seonghwa questioned as the sudden realization started to hit everyone.

"Yup! In order to make everything a little more believable, KQ has arranged for shared living situation." He explained as though it made perfect sense. "Once the news of the marriage is "leaked" we will most likely get a plethora of questions and interviews, so by having you all under the same roof you will be able to present yourselves as well as answer those questions with much more ease."

"Sir are you sure this necessary?" HoongJoong asked sensing everyone's uneasiness at his words. However, the CEO seemed to not be able to read the room, or simply didn't care, as he waved the leader's concerns off. "Of course it is. After all, we plan on doing a 12 part series of this fun little living situation once the taboo factor dies down." He explained, however, the room was still silent.

"Well, I know you will each make your agencies proud." The CEO spoke once more trying to cut the tension. "You can each pick a room for yourself on the second and third floors and the movers should have your things up in a jiffy." He explained as everyone sort of awkwardly shuffled towards the stairs. " Oh, I almost forgot! Vera and Mingi I'll need you to hang back for a little." He added as the two in question looked at each other before looking towards their respective leaders for help. Both Jia and HoongJoong gave them a weak smile and thumbs up before heading up the stairs. Although the wanted to help, they couldn't really do anything in this situation.

The newlyweds stepped closer to the executive as he started to explain. "Right, well as you've probably noticed, this is a four story building in addition to the basement." This was true. The house they were in was in the middle of town, and from its exterior seemed more like a modern office building than a mansion. The two nodded before he continued. "You two will be sharing the master bedroom that takes up the entire fourth floor. Since we will have cameras rolling in the house in a month or so this is a must." He explained. They simply nodded seeing as that was all either of them could do. Then the CEO took out a piece of paper and handed it to Mingi. "KQ will need both of you to complete these tasks by these dates and so on." He replied as Vera peered over the paper as well. "We can have the company do it, however, we'd like to give you the chance to make things a little more to your liking. However if you rather have us handle it, HoongJoong has my number." He told them before saying his goodbyes before shutting the front door behind him.

Mingi and Vera simply looked at each other in a slight daze before reluctantly heading up the stairs towards the master bedroom.

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