Face to Face....Sorta

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Y/F/C = your favorite color

I spent the next few hours crafting my own mask. Nothing like that psycho's though. Mine was matte black with a metallic Y/F/C lightning bolt streaked over one eye. I sewed my cape back up, using golden thread to embroider the ripped seams. I poked my self with the needle and let out a small "ouch." I looked down at my finger, as a single drop of blood emerged, the deep red contrasting with my skin tone. I stared at my finger pondering everything that had led me to this moment. My memory was very, very good. I could remember many events, back till when I was very young. Before I destroyed everything...

I shook my head and used a small bandage to wrap up my minor injury. Right hand, not my fighting arm. Learning to fight with my left dominant hand was nearly impossible, but it gives me an edge. Thinking of fighting.... shit. I completely forgot that Wilbur wanted to assess my sword skills before the war began. I slipped my cloak on, as well as my newly made mask, just so I could get a feel for it. Why the mask, Y/N? Why would I create any similarities between me and...him? I told myself it was because he already assumed I was just some random guy, and I preferred it that way. I stood up and looked into the stained glass reflection outside of my guest window. It added a blue tint, but I could see my creation, and I must say, I'm quite proud with my craftsmanship.
I quickly tied my hair up to keep it out of the way during combat practice, and I grabbed my sword and my belt.

I walked down the stairs of the creaky oak floor and outside to the back where Tubbo, and Tommy sat, and Wilbur stood, hands behind his back.

"Before we start." Wilbur said. "I'd like you to sign this. That is, if you want to."

He handed me a book and quill. I opened it up to reveal shimmering black text.
Declaration of Independance
I flipped to the page with the rest of the signatures, choosing not to question the page full of a lengthy message that read something along the lines of "YEA, SUCK IT GREEN BOY", and scrawled my name in.

"Alright. Now let's see how good you are with a sword." Wilbur said, standing in a ready position, wooden sword raised.
I grabbed another wooden saber off of the ground and faced him, muscle memory guiding my form my brother used to drill me on constantly.

We flew at each other. Wilbur was good, I'll give him that. His form though, there was none. He had no plan, just attack. Passion with no resolve. I easily predicted his seemingly random slashes and moved to the offensive. We crossed swords in the air, and in one swift motion, I swept my wrist inwards, forcing his hand to an awkward angle where he had to release his grip on his sword. And with that, I flicked my hand back, my splintered sword tip inches from his nose.

"Wow." Wilbur said.

"You're hired!" Tommy said.

We all laughed for quite a few minutes. It almost felt like the days when I was back at the castle, laughing with my brother. His booming voice filling the castle halls. God I missed him. I pondered mentioning his name to them, but I decided now was not best. And more than likely, I'd be disappointed by the response. We were still laughing when I heard Eret approach us from behind. We all turned to look at him.

"It's starting." Eret said. "Dream team is on their way."

"Okay guys, let's do this." Wilbur said.

I tossed my wooden sword behind and prepared my brothers netherite sword.

"Wait." Eret said from behind us. "I think I have an even better plan. We are out armored, and mostly out skilled. Luckily, I prepared for this moment. The reason I've been leaving so much, 'hunting'? Yea well, I wasn't. I was preparing the 'The Final Room'"

We quickly followed Eret around the back and underground. Down a long makeshift tunnel, we entered a decent sized room. There were chests at each wall, labeled for the different members. Other than me, which made sense seeing as I had just got here. Something didn't feel right though. My gut feeling was acting up. Right when I went to say something, Tommy interrupted.

"What does this button do?" Tommy asked. Eret nodded, and Tommy pressed the button. The layers of walls peeled back to reveal Dream, who instantly locked eye contact with me. At least as much as possible through two masks. The rest of his crew was here too, inside the other walls. We're surrounded. I grabbed my necklace through my shirt. For once I hoped my curse would save me. I drew my sword, ready to fight in hopeless odds.

"Down with the revolution, boys." Eret said, a sly grin on his face.

"A traitor!" Wilbur exclaimed, retrieving his own weapon.

"It was never meant to be."

With that, all of our enemies came out of the walls they stood in. A mass of chaotic fighting instilled fast, but amongst all the chaos, there was Dream. He looked directly at me and walked calmly over, before raising his sword.

We fought. But he fought like no other person I'd ever met. His moves are powered by his blind love for destruction. Every maneuver I knew, he was ready, whether he knew it was coming or not. We locked swords, but before I could maneuver the fight in the same way I did with Wilbur, I felt a boot kick the back of my leg, causing me to kneel.
I looked behind to see the one called Sapnap. He looked at me, and smiled, before returning to his fight.

"You know, I'd say I could admire you for your fighting style." Dream said. "But I'm the only one here allowed to wear a mask."

With that, a piercing pain split through my torso, as Dreams blade shattered my life force into pieces. The noises around me turned to echos, and my vision got blurry. My body fell to the ground. As my eyes closed, I saw Dream turn to fight another, as if I was nothing, just another blockade.

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