2 5 Stolen From You

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Jevelene and Ariel stood before Cyzarine and Foma. Foma shot her and formed a pact, while Ariel stood before Jevelene.
"Ariel!" Jevelene yelled.
"Jevelene," He turned back and looked into her eyes.
She blushed, "I-I forgot what I was gonna say,"

"Ha! Losers!" Cyzarine ran towards them.
"Orfografii pervyy, Vyzov forma odin: Poison Ivy!" Foma yelled and she formed a bow and arrow out of thin air. 

"Jevelene! Tell me what do!"
Jevelene tried to think and suddenly remembered something.

Cyzarine shot the poison ivy arrows.
"That's my girl," He smirked. Cyzarine and Jevelene blushed. His eyes glowed golden and a huge gold wall stood between them and Cyzarine.
"Wow," Foma looked at the highly carved wall, like some embroidered cloth.

"They are doing pretty good," Ms Deborah said and Akagi stood beside her, "Finally, Jevelene is using her head," He said.
"That was a defensive spell. They can't win with that," Ms Deborah said.
"Let's see if they are able to win this round,"

"Cyzarine! Orfografii vtoroy, Vyzov forma odin: Ekiterink!" Foma shouted.

"He's using the second form," Ms Deborah smiled, "I don't think they are going to win against them even in the finals. Foma and Cyzarine are a strong pair,"
"You are underestimating Ariel a bit too much," Akagi said.

Cyzarine's second spell was acid breath. She melted the gold wall. Ariel took a step back, "Jevelene,"
Jevelene tried to think of something again, and she remembered the way he made a sword to supposedly kill Nataniel when he slept with her, 

Ariel made a gold sword and ran towards her acid breath melted the sword in his hand. 
"Ouch ouch ouch! This shit burns!" Ariel threw the melting sword, and Cyzarine kept an arrow on Ariel's neck, "Game over,"
"God dammit Jevelene!" Ariel turned towards her.
"Sorry," Jevelene aplogised.

"Now then, you lost which means, today's lunch with me," Cyzarine said.
"You made a bet like that? You didn't tell me," Jevelene said.
"Why? Are you his mom?" Cyzarine laughed an dragged Ariel, "Treat me,"

They ran off. Ms Deborah marked them and left the field with Akagi. Jevelene sat on the field, thinking about how she could face Ariel. They were gonna fail their practical subject that way. She crossed her legs and closed her eyes. She tried to think. Ariel's powers,

"That's my girl!" 

She blushed, 'Why am I remembering unnecessary stuff!'

Suddenly, she felt cold and opened her eyes. Nataniel was laying his head on her lap.

"Yo!" He smiled.
She moved back, "What are you doing?!"
"Forming a romantic connection," He smiled.
"Stop being so weird!"

"What's the big deal? I've already seen you naked anyways,"
"That–"Jevelene turned red, "That was different,"
Nataniel smiled, "Wanna play?"

He grabbed her hands. His hands were cold, "I wanna show you something,"
"But I don't want to–"
He pulled her hand and went running towards the woods surrounding the school. They reached a field of ice tulips.

They looked like diamonds under the sun.
"I made it," He smiled, "Gardening ain't that boring,"
"Its too beautiful," Jevelene looked at the roses.
"You like it?" He asked.
"Yes. Looking at them makes me happy,"

"Well then," He clipped his fingers and all those flowers turned to water.
"Wa-Why did you do that?!"
"Because you made them a source of your happiness. And that gave them the power to hurt you," He said.

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