My Last Doctor Appointment

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August P.O.V.

So today is the last day that me and Melanie is gonna be in a appointment together before she leaves and it just to make sure the babies is okay I already got a copy of Ultrasound now I'm gonna get another one so let's make this special. So I'm picking her up from her house... Once I got there she was already out she got in the car gave me a kiss in the cheek and put on the seat belt.

Melanie: wow... Our last day for us to be in a appointment together.

Me: yeah... I can't wait till I see them... I want to hold them tight and being able to smile.

Melanie: me too... I want to see you smile.

I smiled and she blush then we went off to the appointment she sat on the bed and the doctor came.

Dr. Smith: Melanie... August... How you two doing?

Melanie: we are settling our differences.

Dr. Smith: I'm glad to hear that... So you been taking your meds.

Melanie: yes... I have... I been feeling a lot better than before.

Dr. Smith: that's good to hear Melanie... so let's get this started.

She first press her stomach slightly to see if theirs pain but their wasn't then she put the gel and spread it all over her stomach the she put the machine and we saw the babies.

Dr. Smith: hmm... They look fine.

Melanie: really.

Dr. Smith: yeah... They are so adorable.

Me: can you take some pictures?

Dr. Smith: of course... I'll be right back.

She left and I look at the picture... I don't even know if those are my kids and I'm coming to these appointments but I'm still her best friends I'm gonna be there to support her.

Melanie: you okay...

Me: yeah just thinking.

Melanie: so do you want to talk about it?

Me: nah... Cause I don't want to throw you under the bus.

Melanie: so I can handle it... Tell me.

Me: are you gonna leave forever?

Melanie: no... I'm gonna take time to get my thoughts straight.

Me: one more... when do we get to know if I'm the father of the kids.

She look at me then look down I told her I didn't want to throw her under the bus.

Melanie: when the babies is born... They want to make sure it really yours... If not I'm sorry for making you go with me and struggle to help me.

Me: no its fine... If they are I'm gonna be there for you.

Melanie: I know best friend... I want you to not get worry when I'm gone.

Me: why?

Melanie: I'm with Don and he gonna be there to help me out... Remember I need time.

Me: yeah... I remember.

Melanie: so what you gonna do when I'm gone?

Me: make more music... Do some photoshoots and stuff.

Melanie: I'm glad you doing what you love.

Me: yeah... How about you? after you give birth you gonna work again.

Melanie: yeah... I love my job... But I'm gonna give my babies what they really need... Love.

She started rubbing her bell and close her eyes then she opened them so fast.

Melanie: ow...

Me: you okay.

Melanie: yeah... I felt the babies kick.

She grab my hand and put it on her belly then I felt them kicking. She smiled and I did the same...

Me: I feel them...

Melanie: wow... That really hurted though.

Then the doctor came and gave us the pictures.

Dr. Smith: remember no stress and eat food.

Melanie: thanks Dr. Smith...

We left and we went to the car and I drove her home we was in front of her house.

Melanie: here...

She gave me the picture then I gave her kiss in the cheek she blush then she turned my face and kiss me in the lips.

Melanie: bye...

Me: bye...

She left and wave at me I did back and she went in I stoke my chin and I smiled and slightly laugh. Then I drove and went home.

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