-hides- Why Does Everyone Ask About Russia?

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Russia is not scary! He is sexier than you'll ever be francey pants. I mean seriously he's not all that bad.... besides for when he starts koloing XD. He still sexy then XD. Here is a question for u admin. WHY DID YOU CHOOSE FRAnCE TO DO A TALK SHOW WITH?! WHY NOT RUSSIA FOR ENGLAND ?!>:o and France's question.

Would you support same sex marriage... like bi's ,lez, gay.... and one more thing. Are you bisexual or straight?


"YUSH! I got a question~!" I shouted happily.

"Let moi see~!" France pushed me aside and read the question. "I am sexy aussi!" he pouted.

I got up and read it again. "Why France?" I looked at the country beside me. "Because he's nice and he gives me roses everyday. He is a gentleman most of the time. England is too grouchy for me and Russia's cute but... I just couldn't deal with him," I answered.

"Rambler~" France sung going back to his seat.

I glared then laughed. "I know I know."

"And now my turn!" France said. "Obviously, fille, you do not keep up with the news of mon country. It was already legalized so I do support it obviously. As for mon sexuality, I am bi. Everyone is beautiful and I wish I could caress them all~," he murmured.

"Ehhh... Creepy a little. Thanks for the question!"

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