Chapter 6: Interviews and secrets revealed

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Niall's P.O.V.

I heard Nicki wake up and then I woke up after her.

"Mornin Nicki" I said sitting up.

"Mornin Niall" She said sitting up and smiling then I brought her into a hug.

"What time is it?" She asked and I checked my phone

"11:30" I replied

"You okay?" I asked and she nodded

"Wanna get breakfast?" I asked

"Yeah do ya wanna wake everyone else up?" She asked

"Yeah okay" I said we got up and as we were about to leave and the boys walked in.

"I knew we would find them here" Louis said

"You called?" Nicki asked

"I'm hungry" I said

"Are yous coming to get food cos we're hungry?" She asked

"LET'S GO" Louis said and we ran downstairs. We got breakfast and sat down.

Liam's P.O.V.

"What are we doing today?" Nicki asked

"We were thinking of-" I started but my phone rang

"Hello?" I asked

"Hi Liam" Simom Cowell said

"Oh hi Uncle Si" I said

"Yeah I forgot to say that I booked an interview for you today at 6:30"

"Yeah okay I'll tell the others"

"Yes and tell Niall to bring his girlfriend the interviewers want to do an exclusive"

"Eh okay bye Simon"

"Bye Liam" He said then hung up.

"WHAT DID UNCLE SIMON SAY!?!?!?" Louis shouted

"Well we've got an interview today at 6:30" I said

"And?" Harry asked

"They want an exclusive" I replied

"On?" Niall asked

"You and Nicki" I replied

"So...?" Nicki asked worriedly

"You have to come too" I said

"Ah for fuck sake" She said putting her head back.

Nicki's P.O.V.

Seriously an interview on me. I'm not gonna last. KILL ME NOW!

"You okay?" Niall asked me

"I'll tell ya later" I said finishing my breakfast.

"C'mon let's go" Liam said when we were done

"Hold on, take the key I wanna tell Niall something" I said handing the key to Liam

"Why can't I have the key?" Louis said crossing his arms over his chest

"I actually trust Liam" I replied

"Fine then let's go people" He said walking away. Jeez someones a stubborn child.

"Anyway, what did you want to tell me?" Niall asked when they walked away

"I can't do the interview" I said looking down.

"Why can't you?" He asked

"I get serious stage fright" I said

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked

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