A Case

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*welp, here's another chapter~*

   Aizawa spent the next few days looking for leads on his own, he was now heading to a scheduled meeting with Naomasa about the mysterious boy. Aizawa knocked on the door to Naomasa's office.

"Come in." A voice called from inside the room, "Ah it's you, Aizawa, come for our meeting? As I understand you had something that you wish to discuss?"

  "Yes, I do, It might not be that important, but a few days ago I met a young boy, who I had seen at a coffee shop before. He exited the shop abruptly when I entered a so I followed him out. He went to an alley and sat down, then he told me to come out. When I asked how he knew I was there he said it was his quirk, he also mentioned that his name was Akatani Mikumo, after that he left saying that he had to get home. I, of course, offered to walk him back but he refused so I followed him, to make sure he got home but I lost his trail almost immediately. When I got back I looked up his name, there was a file for Akatani Mikumo, it listed minimal information and no quirk, but it did have a home address so I went to go check it out, but instead of a house I found an abandoned factory." Aizawa said, as he handed Naomasa a file that he had made on the boy.

   "Interesting," Naomasa said while looking at the file, "I feel like I've seen this boy somewhere before.. Oh!"

  Naomasa moved over to his computer.

"Here it is! Izuku Midoriya, a quirkless boy who disappeared years ago. His report is marked 'assumed dead'" Naomasa turns the computer screen towards Aizawa, the screen shows a picture of a young boy with fluffy green hair and an angelic smile.

"That does kinda look like him.." Aizawa trailed off, "His hair is a little darker green, and the eyes are similar, though Akatani's eyes looked way less cheerful."

"I've always been troubled about this case, something just didn't feel right about it." Naomasa said.

"Should we try to find him? I'm sure his family miss-"

"His mom, we were never able to locate her, and his dad left when he was young." Naomasa cut in.

"What about frie-"

"Aizawa he was quirkless."

"Oh- right.."

"We should still try to find him, he might need help, and we can't leave a child alone."

"You're right, I'll look into it more and ask Nezu his opinion."

"Okay, then I'll put some people on watch for him and reopen the Midoriya case."

  Aizawa and Naomasa spent a while digging up more information on Izuku, before Aizawa had to go out on patrol.

  Izuku was laying on his bed scrolling through the governments files on his computer when a notification appeared.

Midoriya Case

Status: reopened

(479 words)

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