An empty gun and a bloodied mind 2

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Louisiana stretched, waking up. He rubbed at his eyes before getting out of bed. He threw his clothes on and walked downstairs. He grabbed his phone on the way down. He sat at table ignoring the other states that had come down. He turned on his phone noticing the notification. He pressed the text message, reading it. 'I'm sorry, I love you' the message wrote. Why's he sorry? Loui thought to himself. He texted back 'Florida what's going on, why are you sorry?' he sent the message. He waited for a few minutes to an answer that didn't come. 'I'm worried, text my ASAP.' He texted his best friend again. Another few minutes passed, Loui still didn't get a message. He decided to call Florida, after a few moments the ringing ceased. 

Why's Florida not answering? He always answers when I message him. Louisiana thought, getting increasingly worried. He decided to take a walk in the woods to calm down. 

He opened the door revealing the outside. The warm sun kissed his face as he walked towards the large trees. The chirping of birds filled the warm air. Loui felt slightly calmer, he still had a nagging feeling that something was wrong.

As he walked deeper into the woods, he could see a figure in the distance. What's that? He thought, squinting his eyes to try and get a better look. He decided to walk towards it. He could see what the figure was clearly now, Florida. His eyes widened in surprise, and he walked closer to him.

He could see Florida's limp body laying against the tree. His eyes closed and his mouth slightly open. Tears welled in Loui's eyes, falling down his cheeks. 

"F-Florida." He said with a shaky voice, reaching a hand out slightly.

He looked at Florida's head, noticing the bullet wound. He cried harder seeing Florida's blood covered head. He knelt down to Florida, sobbing. 

"F-Florida, y-you're ok right?" He asked, waiting for an answer that didn't come. 

He grabbed his pale white hand in his. He could feel the cold of his finger tips. He can't be dead. He thought. He hugged his best friend's limp body, crying even harder. 

He's dead. He thought.

He's gone.

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