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A/n: no more regline or whatever their ship name is🥲(eventually they will be back together don't worry)

The next morning Madeline woke up with that familiar dry feeling on the corner of her eyes like she has been crying the night before, she didn't know exactly why she had been crying but she didn't give it much thought given she's used to crying at night. Well, this version of her thinks that it's her usual.

Without the memories of Regulus, her first thoughts in the morning changed from him to 'let's get ourself looking presentable.'

She walked into her bathroom and clipped her hair up before washing her face and brushing her teeth, she then did a quick charm to make her hair pin-straight so she wouldn't have to deal with it herself.

Meanwhile in the room next to hers was Regulus who was still laying in bed.

He stayed there for as long as he could without being late for his first class. Which would be potions with Madeline who always sat next to him.

After getting no more sleep since he left her room he had dark circles forming under his eyes which he too fixed with a quick charm. He splashed his face with cold water to wake himself up and to get rid of his tear-stained cheeks.

They both put on their uniforms, Madeline went to the great hall to meet her friends, Regulus stayed in his room sitting on his bed till the last minute before class.

When regulus performed the spell, it not only took her memories but it erased their relationship from anyone's mind who knew of it.

M saw Alyssa and Camilla already sitting at their usual spot, she joined them sitting next to Camilla across from Alyssa who as usual had plenty to say during breakfast with M didn't mind, she sipped on her orange juice while enjoying her friend's stories.

The three of them made their way to potions with their arms linked together, as usual, Madeline gave a couple of kids goofing around a warning look since she was head girl, but just a warning look given she loved to cause mischief.

The bell rang just as they walked into the classroom, Alyssa and Camilla went to their table and Madeline was about to go sit at her usual spot only to find it already taken by someone else, the someone else was Evan Rosier who usually sat with Barty Jr, and so she made her way towards the front of the class and sat down next to him.

"Potter." He greeted her as she sat down.

"Junior." She grabbed out her potions book.

"I told you not to call me Junior." He gave her a fake smile.

"Well, I thought you'd prefer it." She lied and shrugged her shoulders.

He didn't say anything. "Thought so." She smirked slightly turning her gaze up to their professor.

Regulus was staring at the two with an unusually tight grip on his quill.

"Why so tense?" Evan asked looking at his hand.

Regulus turned to look at him then follows his gaze to his own hand then dropped the quill. "Sorry just- thought of something about... my parents." He lied and picked his quill back up and looked up at the board.

Today they were working on potions individually, she had asked Barty if he would grab two of everything so she didn't also have to go to the back but he so politely declined.

She rolled her eyes and spun on her chair and made her way to the back of the class, she shot regulus a questioned expression wondering why he had Evan sit with him today, it's not like the two talked much when they did sit together but they've been sitting together since first year and only occasionally with a good reason Evan or Barty would be sitting with him instead.

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