Chapter 3

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My older sister, Annabelle, picked me up from cheerleading practice. I climbed into her little blue Camry,and just stayed silent.

Finally Annabelle picked up that something was wrong. She turned off the radio,and spoke up, "What's wrong kiddo?" I ignored her for a minute, then just broke down and explained everything. She listened patiently before responding.

Annabelle is a cheerleader too, but she never tried out for Extreme Cheer. Mama wanted her too, in her freshman year but Annabelle had gotten involved in more school stuff and wasn't interested. She still does football/basketball cheerleading for the high school every year though. Since she's a juinor, she is on the Varsity squad. I am so proud of her, but I hate when our dad compares us. But I'll talk about that later. 

"Listen kiddo, I have no clue what the crazy Coach is talking about. But about the whole Kaitlyn thing, everybody makes mistakes. I'm sure Kaitlyn will be fine. The other cheerleaders will get over it over time. Just try to be better next time. " "Thanks sissy" "No problem." "What will Mom say about this?" "I have no clue" "She'll probably freak out" "I don't know, what did Coach Fine say?" "She didn't, she took Kaitlyn to the office, then came back and dismissed us early" "Is that why you called me to come now instead of at 5?" "Yes" 


*At home*

I had just finished telling Mom about the incident at practice. She looked furious, yet turned to compassion when she saw my eyes watering. 

"I am soo sorry Mom" " I know honey" "What should I do??" "I think you should show your apology to the whole squad in some way." "How should I do that?' "Hmm" We both started thinking really hard. 

"I got it, you can spend your money you've been saving and buy them little gift basket type thingys, full of Cheerleading-related things" I bit my lower lip, I had been saving my money from helping my dad paint houses on Saturdays, which is what he does as a side under-the-table job. I was planning on saving up for a new cell phone, peferably an iPhone, Mom knows this. "What about my iPhone savings?" "Well what's more important to you, an iPhone or you fellow squad members respect/trust for you?" We both knew my answer. The second choice. 

So I went with Annabelle to the mall, who had to start her shift at Bath & Body Works until 9 that night. I picked out little wristlet things that had 'CHEER!' written on them. Then I picked out a few things at Bath & Body Works. I saw the cutest pens at Hallmark with pom-poms on the end. Finally still at Hallmark, I got the apology cards. Then found little cheap baskets at K-Mart. 

After purchasing at that, I had exactly $5.45 dollars left in my little savings. I felt sick to my stomach, but I called Mom and she drove me home. I put together the baskets, and fell asleep. I had a terrible dream, where I went to visit Kaitlyn and ending up breaking all her bones. I woke up at 2 A.M., screaming.  

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