My Shot

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A/N: bye Anakin 💔 also, he and Ahsoka are the same age, so they're not Master and Apprentice.

Because ashskywalker66 made me read such a painful chapter I'm getting back at her >:)

NyssaDunlap i got some inspiration from your SWTCW headcanons book, so credit to you where it's due!

bumiaangs watch out for your name in this chapter :))


"Master Kenobi. We have made the decision that you will take the Skywalker boy as your apprentice. Do you accept this responsibility?"

"I do, Master Windu."

"Good. Grown you have, in the Force, Obi-Wan." Grandmaster Yoda praised. "Take your apprentice to meet the rest of his class, you shall."

"Yes, Master. Come now, Anakin."

As the Council watched their retreating figures exit the Chambers, Mace shot them a critical look. "I still don't trust that boy," he commented. "He's already formed attachments. Dangerous attachments. I sense seeds of the dark side planted in him."

"Be so quick to judge, you should not," Yoda answered thoughtfully. "Right you may be, but forget about the prophecy, do not."



Anakin and Obi-Wan were surrounded by a group of excited younglings as they drowned in a sea of questions.

"Master, is he really the Chosen One?"

"Why did he come to the Temple so late?"

"What planet did he come from? What was his past like?"

"His surname is so weird. 'Skywalker'? Nobody can walk the skies."

As Obi-Wan answered their questions, Anakin's focus wandered. All Jedi knew of the Chosen One prophecy, said to be the one who brought balance to the Force. In all honesty, he had no interest in it. Why should he? It didn't concern him, nor was he a part of it. His future classmates were all huddled around his overwhelmed Master, bombarding him with questions.

Well, most of them.

One stood about a foot away from them, leaning against the wall as she stared at the floor, looking generally uninterested. Anakin pushed through the wall of over-excited pre-teens as he made his way towards the young girl.

"Hey," he greeted, smiling shyly.

The girl lifted her head, a lazy smile crossing her face. "Hey," she replied. "You're Anakin Skywalker, aren't you?"

"I- yes I am," Anakin stuttered. "How did you know?"

"One figures from listening to their shallow classmates," she drawled.

"Hm." The young boy was intrigued. Much of what she'd said was true; the girls acted much too sweetly for his liking, a few even attempted to flirt with him. But her? He could tell from the get-go that she was calm, cool, and collected. Her ocean-blue striped lekku was of stark contrast against the other younglings' hair, and her kind, serene eyes sparkled with patience. Her outfit was fashionable, yet appropriate. A thin, long-sleeved low-cut burgundy crop-top outlined her perfect form with black, diamond-cut leggings accompanying it. An x-shaped utility belt was casually hung across her hips, an intricate, magenta-coloured pentagonal accessory draping down the center. On top of her belt rested a gleaming silver lightsaber. "I must go, I've got some studies to finish up. It was nice meeting you, Anakin Skywalker. I'm Ahsoka Tano."

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