Chapter 2 - Aelin

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Everyone was here, even Dorian, Yrene, Chaol and Manon for Beltane, we were all in the great hall catching up. This was the first time we had all been together since the war. None of us were being formal, all of us were in pants and jumpers appart from Evangeline who took every chance she could to wear my old dresses.

I refused to get the wine out until at least midday, so we all had tea sat on a low table in the middle of the circle of sofas Rowan and Fenrys made a couple of days previously.

I was just about to ask Dorian if he had read the book, I sent him when a ball of swirling black appeared in the middle of the room, a little way from us. I stood along with everyone else, Aedion pushed Evangeline behind him.

Everyone had blades drawn, or nails if you are Manon. An ear-splitting scream cut through the darkness and I looked around at my friends, all of them looked baffled.

The darkness slowly cleared, and I saw a girl curled over her knees trembling. I had no idea what to do. Rowan encased the girl in air as she looked up. She pressed a hand against it and true terror crossed her face.

She didn't even acknowledge us as she looked all around, pounding against Rowan's shield, once she realised, she couldn't get out she curled over her knees once more, now sobbing.

As we watched fire swirled around her body, she burned off her dress and her skin on her back slowly began to blister although her hair remained untouched.

Rowan cut off the air around her and the fire died out, she passed out soon after. Yrene rushed to her side, Elide picking up one of the blankets from the sofas and running over as well. I went and stood at Elide's side, looking over the girl. On her left arm was a beautiful tattoo, her skin was pale and she looked under fed, I could see her ribs, her hips and collar bones too well.

Yrene healed her burns then Elide gently covered her in the blanket. I lifted her too light body and carried her up to one of the guest rooms, laying her on one of the beds then getting a light night dress.

With Elide's help we got it on her then I tucked her under the covers and took a step back.

"Who is she?" Elide questioned.

"I don't know but I plan on finding out, I'd also like to know how she got here." I replied.

As I watched her she jolted awake, sitting up and looking around, as soon as her eyes landed on us she scrambled away, to the other side of the bed.

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