grimace is back

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Banner, Rocket and Tony spent hours working on the glove, making sure the stones were secured and making sure everything was stable. Steve, Clint and I managed to work in some training while they were busy with that, Thor said he would join us but he really just laughed each time one of us got taken done during our sparring sessions then he fell asleep. Banner called us all out of the gym when the glove was ready, we all got together in the lab to look at it. 

"Who's gonna be the one to snap their fingers?" I ask while admiring the stones 

"I'll do it," Thor states while approaching the glove

"Excuse me?" Tony chuckles 

"Thor, just wait. We haven't decided who's gonna put that on yet," Steve states while stopping Thor 

"I'm sorry. What, we're all just sitting around waiting for the right opportunity?" Thor mutters 

"We should at least discuss it," Scott adds 

"Look, sitting here staring at the thing is not going to bring everyone back. I am the strongest Avenger, okay? So, this responsibility falls upon me," Thor replies 

"Normally you'd be right. It's not about that. It's not that," Tony stops him 

"Just let me do it. Just let me do something good, something right," Thor whispers 

"Look, it's not just the fact that the glove is channelling enough energy to light up a continent. I'm telling you, you are in no condition," Tony states 

"What do you think is coursing through my veins right now?" Thor asks him 

"Cheez Whiz" Rhodes replies 

"Oh my god," I whisper to myself 

"It's lightning," Thor states 

"Lighting won't help you here, pal. It's gotta be me," Banner speaks up 

"Bruce, are you sure?" I ask 

"You saw what those stones did to Thanos... It nearly killed him. None of you could survive," Banner replies 

"How do we know you will?" Steve asks 

"We don't. But the radiation is mostly gamma. It's like... I was made for this," Banner states while approaching the glove

"Just be careful... okay?" I smile at him 

"I will," he smiles back while picking up the glove

"Good to go?" Tony asks 

"Let's do it," Banner replies 

"Okay, remember, everyone Thanos snapped away five years ago... you're just bringing them back to now. Today. Don't change anything from the past five years," Tony informs him 

"Got it," he replies while looking down at the glove 

"Friday. Activate the Barn Door protocol," Tony states 

The windows and doors and soon blocked off and the room is secured. Everyone takes a step back from Banner and hides behind their own form of protection, whether it's their suits or a shield of some sort. I soon realize that my suit holds no form of protection and it's not like I'm immortal. Thor glances over at me with a confused expression. 

"Are you crazy?" He chuckles before grabbing my arm and pulling me close. 

Banner pulls the glove on, sending multiple different energy charges through his arm and up to his body. Thor quickly pulls me to his chest and turns, using his body to shield me from anything that could possibly come our way. Banner drops to his knees and groans in pain as the energy surges through his body.

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