Chapter 9 (The marking)

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I woke up when the morning sun rays greeted me from the window. My pillow was still damp with my tears. He was a merciless beast. I would never live with him. I decided to leave before Layla came looking for me. I knew her very well. She would already be on her way here. I went downstairs trying to make as little noise as possible. May be he was still asleep. To my disappoinment the door was locked.
Of course!!!! I cursed him under my breath.
I went back to my room. There was a window. I looked outside. There was a vast stretch of greenery as far as I could see. No other house was in sight. I had no other choice but to jump from here. Let's do it Stella. I held back a scream when my legs made impact on the ground. I stood up, hobbled for a while and ran with all my might. I didn't even put a last glance at my cage of gold.

I must have ran for an hour when I found myself on a steep cliff. I was on top of a hill. I could see the vast spread of dense Jungle beneath. I will have to trek my way down this sharp downslope. I wasn't even wearing any shoes. And just as I was planning my next move I heard a growl behind me. I turned back slowly. There were three wolves growling ferociously at me. None of them was Ryan's wolf, I could tell that much. Pale amber wolf with almond brown eyes was a tad shorter than Ryan's wolf. It must be the Beta, I thought.

They slowly shrank the distance between us. I was prepared for the attack. They could kill me all they want I was not going back to that hellhole again


Last night didn't end on a good note. I was concerned for Stella. I had caused her immense
distress. I should really work on my anger management issues.

I was about to open her room's door when my beta told me of the unwelcomed human intruder at the border. It was a girl. Interesting. I didn't know my mate's sister was so gutsy.

"What's the command Alpha?"

"She is my guest. Treat her like one. I am on my way." Let's deal with her once and for all. I quickly shifted into my wolf.


They didn't attack me. They just stood there wiggling their tails but they were clearly agitated. That's when I heard some familiar voices on my far left. They became louder as they approached closer, and how could I not recognize this voice. I let out a muffled scream when I saw her, my eyes welled up with tears. They were here to get me. Layla and Harry. She screamed my name too. And then she saw the wolves. Her forehead creased and she voiced,

"You Bastards".

Her hand slowly went into her back pocket and she took out the pistol.
Its barrel was now facing the wolves. She had her index finger on the trigger while her left hand supported the elbow of her right hand. Two of the wolves growled their displeasure while the big amber wolf was calm and slightly tamed.

She pressed the trigger, I heard a loud gunshot. One of the wolves yelped and fell down. Blood was dripping down from the hole in its forearm. The second wolf took a leap at her but I heard another gunshot and it was knocked on ground mid-air when the bullet went right through it's ribs.

I gasped in fear. She glared daggers with her cold merciless eyes. The amber wolf stayed still. Her gun was now facing him.

"Let's try a headshot now." She hissed and took the aim between it's eyes. It didn't budge.

"Laylaa.....Noo" I beseeched. She signaled me to come behind her with her head. I came rushing towards her. Harry put his hand across my shoulder to pull me in a side embrace. I felt safe in his embrace.

And that's when I heard the twigs snap. We all looked at our left and saw the massive black wolf with pitch black eyes. It stopped in it's tracks to see me there. I covered my slender figure further behind Layla to hide from his piercing gaze. He let out a disgruntled growl.

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