Chapter 4

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A/N hello guys. So i havent updated in like forever because its on my computer and it wont let me copy and paste. So now im going to update from my cell! Enjoy ᎠᎥᎡᏋᏟᎢᎥᎧᏁᏊᏲᎧᎡᏋᎦ <3

I woke up and hannah wasnt there. She probably went to the bathroom to take a shower.

I rolled off the bed onto my feet, shivering as my feet hit the cold dark hardwood flooring that coverd my whole upper level.

I rubbed my eyes and stretched out my arms before flying down the stairs singing. "Its morning its morning time to get up in the morning!"

I grabbed a carrot out if the fridge and bit down on it. Before i knew it i was reaching for another one before my door was making horrible pounding noises.

"Who is it?" I asked the person on the other side of the wooden divider. I looked through the peep hole to see carter. Without thinking i opend the door.

"WHERE IS SHE?" He screemed in my face. I knew i was busted but i didnt want him seeing her and hurting her. She came to me i will protect her.

"Calm down mate, what are you talking about?" I questioned sounding inosint. Yes you people wish you had my skill.

The look on his face made me get a tipsy feeling. I knew he wasnt buying it. But i louis tomo tomlison shall never give in to his wicked ways.

His fist slammed into my face causing me to fall to the ground. Im pretty strong and i dont cry a lot but this made my eyes water. I sorta laugh screamed as a reaction.

A few minutes later he came down the stairs. "It isnt over lewis. I see the way you look at her. Stay away. Freak," he spoke through clenched teath.

That was a close one. I watched from my window to make sure he was gone. If he never found her that means shes not here. She didnt even say goodbye. She just left.

I pulled myself up the stairs singing depressing songs. I made my way to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I had a black eye and a busted lip. All for nothing.

I shouldnt say nothing she certanly wasnt nothing. I dont know how long i looked at myself but i heard the door open... Was he back for more.

I stood at the top of the stairs waiting for him to march up them and give me another beating. But at the bottom was a blonde girl holding a backpack.

I raced down the stairs and picked her off her feet spinning her around. "Hannah i never thought i would ever see you again." I said

"Oh stripped boy, your so silly im not leaving until you want me to. I love it here. Its perfect," she flashed me a smile but it soon faded as she saw my face.

I put her down and bit my lip hanging my head "i know it looks bad, but it really isnt." I tried to smile but she looked so sad.

I really hoped she knew it wasnt her fault. She stood on her tippy toes and kissed my lips. It sent a shock through me and by her smile, i think is went through her too.


A few weeks passed. Her and carter broke up and we kissed and stuff but i never asked her to be mine.

One day i went out to get her a necklace and roses. I was going to ask her to be mine that night. But when i came home the lights were off and there was candles around and slow music.

At the top if the stairs hannah came down in a blue skin tight dress that had a bow on the top were the straps should be. Her hair was in soft beach waves.

She was beautiful. How did she know i was going to ask her out today? I pulled out the roses from behind my back and handed them to her. She smiled and through them behind her before she spoke.

"Louis, i love you. Please dont hesitate to love me to" i smiled and pulled her into a tight hug and kissed her forehead.

"Hannah walker, please give me the honor of being your boyfriend?"

"About time!" She giggled. It was the happiest i ever saw her. We slowly started swaying to the music.

Ꭿ/Ꮑ so i hopped you liked it. Happy christmas merry new years(; so comment, vote you know the drills. Ill upload soon. Promise ttyl ᎠᎥЯƎC̤̈✞Ꭵ⚙ИᏔℍ⚙ЯƎƧ

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