File 98 Captain M.Reader x Yandere Kraut

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P.Fella:Let's travel all the way back to 1944 so you guys can have a bit of taste of yanderes and War!

I must change the Na-word for Kraut to be less offensive 


6 June 1944.. Overlord

Markovic:Cap! cap!

[y]:Uh yeah! *Gunshots and sounds of bullets buzzing*

Rob:what we do now sir?!! *Explosion*

[y]:Argh! we Move on out the beach! we don't have a good cover here!

Walcott:But they are shooting at us!

[y]:I know that! *Explosion* but you rather fight for your life or wait here until they ran out of bullets?!

he remained shut...

[y]:Alright wait until he reloads............... Now!

We started running towards the Sand hills when the Mg-42 was reloaded and started shooting us all again...some guys made it some died...

Walcott:My god Sir! im sorry to say this but you are crazy!

[y]:Thank god i am... Dirk!


[y]:Pull up some Bangalores so we can blow this sh1t up!

They started to dig the sand and shove in the Bangalores...

[y]:Fire in the Sand!!! *Boom*

The farped wire was cutt and there was a clear path for us to walk

[y];Come on up the hill!

We all got up just to meet a Mg-42 pointing straight at us...

[y]:Granade!! Rob he's yours!!

He pulled out a granade and threw it inside the Bunker

[y]:Great one Rob!

Rob:Hey i played Baseball when i was young!

[y]:Old things work still...come on! let's get them!

We started run up the hill shooting Kraut's in the bunkers on the trenches i saw this particular car driving had two of them in it like a commander and a driver.

[y]:You're not getting away...

I pulled my Colt 45 and shot at them i hit the driver killing him and a rearview mirror then the Commander took control of the car and looked at me it was a woman...she kept staring at me while driving away...

[y];I guess i lost them...

Mark:Cap we cleared the bunker...

[y];Good let's move on the next one!!


I was currently chilling in the camp waiting for Patton to call us...

Rob:Hey [y]! still waiting for Patton?

[y]:Yeah he said he had a important mission for me..

Rob:Well then you better get moving because here he comes...


I jumped up and gave him continence Cap [y] right?

[y]:Yes that's me..

Patton:Well follow me then Einsehower has a big thing for you...

I followed him into the main tent where there was Einserhower and Marshal Montgomery...i gave them both the salute

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