Chapter 53: Death and all his friends. Pt.03

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TW: emetophobia
I'm sorry in advance for the pain I may cause you.. so very deeply sorry.

"Patrick! Patrick wake up!" Ellen cries seeing Patrick lay in her arms unconscious.

"Ellen.." she looks up and sees Isiah pinned to the wall with a piece of wood in his chest.

"Oh my god," she manages to choke out.

'ok um...' she thinks to herself.

"Patrick wake up!" she tries again but fails. She looks around the room and sees no one awake. 'probably unconscious. maybe some breaks.' she thinks to herself. Ellen was the only one not badly hurt, she had some pain and was bleeding but nothing major like Isiah or Patrick.

"Ell- ellen..." Isiah said weakly. She could feel tears beginning in her eyes. how did all this happen. one moment they were eating, the next the place was getting bombed.

"tell... tell Patrick- i said.. he was a good man." he said before his eyes shut and he took his last breath. She let a single tear drop from her eyes before wiping it and grabbing her phone to dial 911.



'oh god, hi, this is ellen- ellen pompeo, i'm calling from rosavelt.. the restaurant, there- there was a bombing my husband and other people are badly hurt- please.. oh god please hurry.'

'police are on their way Mrs. Pompeo.'

'thank you.'

She hung up the phone and looked down at Patrick who had blood in his face and was still unconscious. she started feeling around his body for anything as to way he wasn't waking up. she noticed a little head lac, she grabbed a napkin from the table and pressed it to head lac, she started her search again noticing a piece of wood from their table in his leg.

"patrick!" she started sobbing uncontrollably.

around 5 minutes later she seen at least a dozen cop cars and ambulances drive into the parking lot.

"in here!" she called out to the officers.

the officers looked around while the paramedics declared more people deceased. The paramedics walked over to Ellen and started to check out Patrick while Ellen was still sobbing silently.

"ma'am.. we need to talk, privately." she looked up from her husbands face and saw an officer.

"but- uh.. my husband," she sighed and sniffled "I can't leave my husband." The paramedics gave her the 'it's okay, we got him, go' look. She stood up and walked with the officers outside rosavelt.

"We need an in-detailed story of everything you saw, everything that happened," the officer saw her take a deep breath "we can take breaks if they are needed, but we need to know everything that happened."

Once again she took a deep breath before recounting every step, every move, everything she saw "Well... we made plans, with a friend, for dinner. we got here and noticed someone who tried- tried to tear us apart, she was supposed to be in jail-" he stopped her right there "This person, it couldn't happen to be Rosalee Ivery, could it?" she sighed and shook her head.

"Dammit." The officer grunted.

"Shall I continue?"

"No ma'am-" He started but was quickly cut off by someone yelling "Clear!" Ellen ran into the restaurant to see the paramedics still working on, but she heard it again "Clear!" she looked behind her and saw a different set of paramedics working on an older lady. She started walking over to Patrick when she saw one paramedic, looked to be the lead paramedic, shake his head. He stood up and turned around to Ellen who' face was pale and eyes that were glossy.

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