Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter Twenty-Five: Getting the Band Back Together

"I had a nightmare. Believe me when I tell you nobody ever dies in their dreams." -Aerosmith: Nine Lives.

 Today I am the designated lab rat. Am I the testing subject by choice today? No. Am I the most athletic of the science crew? Yes. Do I believe that Tony is making me do more testing than necessary just for his enjoyment? Oh, heck yes.

 The Starwing suits were cleared for operation this morning. It didn't take but a full day of testing to the spacesuits to declare that they are safe to be in space. Tony, Bruce, Alex, and I were more than happy to report to Director Coulson that we are able to into space at any time given.

 Now that the suits are operation ready we have a bit of free time. The team decided to add to the informational report on the Starwing suits. To do so, we are testing the equipment's physical endurance. We have set up shop in the S.H.I.E.L.D. training facility across the street from the headquarters. The building has an expansive training room and gym. It is three levels with all type of equipment. Anything that could possibly help you exercise S.H.I.E.L.D. has it here. There is even a rock climbing wall that passes through all three floors. This place makes your YMCA look like a high school weight room.

 Even though we have free time, Director Coulson gave us a time restraint. He did not want us to be isolated for too long. Today is the also day the new recruits are supposed to arrive. The director does not want to waste any time to get to going over the full mission plan as soon as everyone is here. Not to mention if you do not give Tony and Bruce a time limit they will never stop.

 "Okay, let's pick up the pace," Tony says as Alex turns up the speed on the treadmill.

 "You guys have all of the data you need; you're just having fun now," I groan as sweat drips off of my face. As much as I am complaining, I still run on the moving track. I have been running for at least half of an hour now with Alex intermittently increasing the speed when instructed. I doubt I would be complaining about such running, but with all of the other exercises I have been doing as their dancing lab monkey has physically drained me.

 "Now why would we do that?" Tony retorts as he looks down at his tablet.

 "We do actually need to know how fast you can run in the suit," Bruce pushes his glasses up on his nose, "Along with other physical abilities."

 "I know, I know," I pant as I try to keep up with the pace. I hold the helmet in my arms as I really don't want to wear it while nearly sprinting. It is not like I will be doing such a vigorous workout in space. As long as I have all of the weight on me, their tests will be accurate.

 It is not but a few minutes later I feel the track slowing down. I bend over and rest my hands on my knees to try to catch my breath when the ground completely stops moving. My side aches as my lungs have been pushed to their limit today. I cough out a wheeze and briefly worry if I may be revisiting everything I have eaten recently.

 "Whoops, we didn't record the data. We have to run it again," Tony clicks his tongue.

 "Sucks for you," I wipe my forehead with a towel.

 "You can't run for another minute?" Tony mocks.

 "Not for you," I throw my sweaty towel at him.

 "Eugh," Tony makes a disgusted face as he throws the towel back at me.

 "Don't listen to him, Monica," Bruce speaks up, "We have everything we need."

 "Do I ever listen to him?" I ask as I step off of the machine.

 "Ha, you and me both," The corner of Bruce's lips curl upward.

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